Curve Tracks
Curve tracks display well curves and extracted curves from volumes. A curve track can display one or more curves, or be left empty to display marker and horizon annotations.
Distinct curve types exist to display cross-over fills (e.g. Neutron & Density) and stacked fills (e.g. spectral gamma).
Using Curve Tracks

- Curves are displayed according to the order in the track panel.
- Drag curves up/down in the Curve Track to change the displayed order.

- Hide or show tracks.
- Select a curve to show its details panel.
- In the template display, left-click a curve to select the curve settings in the track.

- Right-click a curve to show options.
Adding Curve Tracks

- In the Track panel, click the blue "+" icon and select Add Curve Track.
- A new curve track is created in the tree and is shown in the view.
- Select the new track to show details and change settings.
Curve Track Settings

- Title: Enter a title for the track header
Track width: The width of the track (in pixels)
- Track width can be adjusted interactively in the view
- Background: Select the colour for the track background
Axis Settings
- Show grid lines: Toggle grid lines on/off
- On top: Draw grid lines on top of curves
Value axis: How to set the horizontal value range
- All curves share value axis; or
- Curves have independent value axes
- Use value axis from: Choose the curve to use for the range (if shared)
- Grid lines: Set the number of grid lines to show
- Choose the marker and horizon information to display (see Markers and Horizons in Well Displays)
Tip: You can change the settings for multiple tracks by selecting several tracks then updating the options.
Adding Well Curves to Tracks
There are several ways to add curves to tracks:
- In the Tracks tab
- Right-click a track and select Add well curve.
- In the Well Curves tab
- Drag a curve or class into the track
- Right-click a curve, select Add to track then choose the destination track.
See Well Log Curves for more information on adding Well Log Curves to tracks.