Time-Depth Conversion with Wells
In well views, Insight uses the active well time-depth chart set for time-depth conversion. This affects all conversions performed at the well.
Let’s view how our data is depth converted in the Single Well View when displaying in the TWT domain.
In the curve tracks:
- Well curves convert to TWT using the well checkshots
- Well Markers stored in Depth convert to TWT using the well checkshots
- Extracted seismic and horizon values in TWT do not need conversion
- Extracted seismic and horizon values in TVD are converted using the checkshots
In the seismic tracks:
- Well curves convert to TWT using the well path and checkshots
- Well Markers stored in Depth convert to TWT using the well checkshots
- Seismic and Horizon in TWT do not require conversion
- Horizon in TVD is converted to TWT using the configured Time-Depth velocity
This is the final TWT display:

Now, how does this differ when depth is converted in the Single Well View when displayed in the TVDSS domain?
In curve tracks:
- Well curves convert to TVD using the well path
- Well markers stored in Depth convert to TVD using the well path
- Extracted seismic and horizon values in TVD do not need conversion
- Extracted seismic and horizon values in TWT are converted using the well checkshots
In the seismic track:
- Well curves convert to TVD using the well path
- Well markers stored in Depth convert to TVD using the well path
- Seismic and Horizon in TWT are converted to TVD using the configured Time-Depth velocity
- Horizon in TVD does not need conversion
This is the final TVDSS display:

Markers interpreted in Insight in any domain will be converted to MD using the active well path and time depth tables and stored as MD.
If markers are imported in Depth they will be stored as Depth values with the well. If the well is displayed in time, the markers will be dynamically converted as required by the active TimeDepth tables.
If Markers are imported using TWT, they will be stored as TWT values with the well. If the well is displayed in depth, the markers will be dynamically converted as required by the active TimeDepth tables.