Exporting a Polygon
Polygons picked in the Map View can be exported in the GeoQuest/IESX (.dat or .iesx file extension), DUG’s .dupoly and Kingdom Planimeter polygon formats. For other polygons picked in the section views, the polygons can be exported using the .dupoly format.
Select a polygon for export

- In the Control Panel, open the Polygon tab.
- In the tree, right-click the polygon you want to export and click Export. The Export Polygon window will be displayed.
Select polygon export format

Click the drop-down box to view the export format options.
- GeoQuest IESX format - Save a map polygon in that format (.dat or .iesx file extension)
- DUG Polygon - Export the polygon in DUG’s .dupoly format. For a polygon picked in the section view, the polygon should be exported to the DUG Polygon format.
- Kingdom Planimeter Polygon format - Export the polygon to the Kingdom format.
- Shape file
- Kml / Kmz file
- Click OK.
- Type the file name for the polygon and click Save.
Select multiple polygons for export

- In the Control Panel, open the Polygon tab.
- In the tree, select multiple polygons that you want to export.
- Right-click the selected polygons and click Export X polygons.
Select the export format for exporting multiple polygons

If the multiple polygons to be exported are all map view polygons, the export format by default is set as GeoQuest/IESX format. However, you can still choose to export to the DUG Polygon or Kingdom Planimeter Polygon format.
If the multiple polygons are made up of map view and section view polygons, the polygons should be exported to the DUG Polygon format. The same applies if all the selected polygons are section view polygons.
Other export formats are shape files and Kml / Kmz files.
Note: The GeoQuest/IESX and Kingdom Planimeter formats only support map polygons.
Type a file name/browse to a directory to save the multiple polygons

- Type the file name for the multiple map polygons export in the GeoQuest/IESX format (.dat or .iesx file extension) or Kingdom Planimeter Polygon format (.dat or .plg file extension).
- If you are exporting multiple section and/or map view polygons to the DUG Polygon format, select the directory to save the polygons.
- Click Save.