Surface Groups
Surface groups visualise multiple horizons as one horizon in the Map View or 3D View. Quickly display adjacent horizons, perform amplitude extractions or generate contour maps. Great for displaying complex structures such as pinchouts, salt domes and thrust faults.
Using Surface Groups
- In the Control Panel, open the Horizon tab.
- At the tab header, click the Add icon.
- Click New Surface Group.
- In the Configure Surface Group window, type a name for the surface group.
- Select the surface group.
- Click the blue + button to add a new row.
- Drag the dots at the left to reorder the rows.
- Click the green circle icon to hide/show the horizon.
- Click the red x icon to delete the row.
- Select the horizon in the horizon search box.
- Alternatively, right-click a horizon, select Surface Group > Add to Surface Group, and select the surface group created in Step 4.
- Choose the property to show (see Custom Horizon Properties).
- Note: only saved properties are available for selection
- Enable Show on sections to display surface group horizons in the section views.
- Select the surface group colour
- Type the line thickness
Important: All horizons must be on the same survey extents or X/Y space. Use the Regrid tool if necessary.
Additional controls

Surface groups in Map view
Visualise multiple horizons with mixed properties in a single map view.

- In Map View, select the Surface Group in the horizon search box.
- Display the same property on both horizons in the surface group by selecting in property drop-down in the navigation bar.
- Click the horizon property settings icon to control class settings and amplitude extraction window for selected properties (if required, see custom properties)
- Select a Volume to extract from. By default, it will extract from the volume you have selected in the Map View.
- Click Adjust to automatically adjust the Min and Max clip of the extracted amplitude, or
- Select the Use min and max from class settings check box to use the default min and max settings of the class.

- Display different properties on each horizon in the surface group by opening the Surface Group in Control Panel > Horizon tab, and selecting the property for display via Property. Only saved properties will be listed.
Surface groups in 3D view
- In 3D View, right-click on the surface group.
- Select Settings for "surface groups" to display the properties.
- Select a Volume to extract from. By default, it will extract from the volume you have selected in the Map View.
- Click Adjust to automatically adjust the Min and Max clip of the extracted amplitude, or
- Select the Use min and max from class settings check box to use the default min and max settings of the class.

- Display different properties on each horizon in the surface group by opening the Surface Group in Control Panel > Horizon tab, and selecting the property for display via Property. Only saved properties will be listed.