DUG Insight User ManualDUG Insight DUG Insight User ManualProcessesV0 from Delta and Isotropic Depth Mig Velocities

V0 from Delta and Isotropic Depth Mig Velocities

Description Calculates the vertical interval velocity in depth (V0) from an interval delta model and an isotropic depth migration velocity model.
Module(s) Image Gather Processes
Requirements Volume
Related Delta Model
Works with Velocity, Delta volume

Calculates the vertical interval velocity in time (V0) from an isotropic depth migration interval velocity model in time, and an interval delta model in time, using the formula Vo/Vnmo = 1/sqrt(1+2*delta) [Tsvankin, I., 2012, Seismic signatures and analysis of reflection data in anisotropic media: Society of Exploration Geophysicists, third edition].

  1. In the Control Panel, open the Process tab.
  2. At the tab header, click the blue "+" icon and select New Process.
  3. Scroll down and double-click on V0 from Delta and Isotropic Depth Mig Velocities process.
  4. Type a name for the process and click OK.

Configure the V0 from Delta and Isotropic Depth Mig Velocities process

Select the input volumes
  1. Use Velocity Conversion, if necessary, to create an interval velocity in time.
  2. Use the Delta Model process to create an interval delta model in time.