Band-Pass Filter
The Band-pass Filter performs high-, low-, or band-pass filtering on a volume based on a frequency range. The process uses a zero-phase Butterworth filter that passes a range of frequencies and rejects frequencies outside the range.
Filters are defined using pass and stop frequencies, corresponding to the 95% and 5% amplitude points on the filter (see images below).
A time/depth-varying windowing model can be specified to apply different filters to different time windows.
Performance warning: Band-pass filtering is a computationally-intensive process that requires processing entire traces. The resulting output volume may be slow to use. Consider:
- Using a Volume Sculpting process to limit the filter to a window of interest.
- Exporting the result volume to dugio format (see Exporting a Volume to DUG I/O).
Create a band-pass filter

- In the Control Panel, open the Process tab.
- At the tab header, click the blue "+" icon and select New Process.
- Double-click or search for Band-pass Filter.
- Type a name for the process and click OK.
Define band-pass filter settings

- In the Details Panel, select the input volume. In this example, a gather volume is selected.
- Select the Use a minimum phase filter checkbox to apply a minimum phase filter.
- You can also choose to Output noise model instead of filtered traces check box.
- Select the Filter type :
- High pass
- Band pass
- Low pass
Filtering Settings
- Select a Windowing Model
- Select <<Whole Trace>> to apply one set of filter parameters to the whole trace.
- Select a Windowing Model to apply different parameters to each window. See Creating a Windowing Model for more details on window models.
- If a Windowing Model is used, pass and stop frequencies must be provided for each window.
- As a result of this process, a new volume is available in the Volume tab.
Filter type: Band pass
The band pass filter passes frequencies in a range between specified low and high values.

- Specify filters via Pass and Stop
- If unchecked, define the filter with a 3dB down frequency and the slope in dB per octave
- If checked, define the filter ramp between two values, a stop (5%) and a pass (95%) frequency
- Specify the low cut-off and high cut-off frequency values as needed.
Filter type: High Pass
The high pass filter passes frequencies above a specified value.

- Specify filters via Pass and Stop
- If unchecked, define the filter with a 3dB down frequency and the slope in dB per octave
- If checked, define the filter ramp between two values, a stop (5%) and a pass (95%) frequency
- Specify the cut-off frequency values as needed.
Filter type: Low Pass
The low pass filter passes frequencies below a specified value.

- Specify filters via Pass and Stop
- If unchecked, define the filter with a 3dB down frequency and the slope in dB per octave
- If checked, define the filter ramp between two values, a stop (5%) and a pass (95%) frequency
- Specify the cut-off frequency values as needed.
The following example show a gather volume before and after the low-pass filter is applied.