Configuring Volumes (Predict)
You can configure the synthetics based on angle stacks and wavelet for the well in the Vols/Hors tab.
Configure angle stacks

- In the Predict window, open the Vols/Hors tab.
- At the Angle Stack Configuration section, select the Survey that the well is on.
- Click the Add Row icon (+) to create the synthetics. The example above shows four synthetics added.
- Under the Name column, type the name for every synthetic.
- Type the angle of incidence under the Angle° column. You are advised to use the midpoint of the angle stack when determining the angle of incidence to use. For example, if the near stack was created with data from 5 to 15 degrees, you should put 10 degrees as the angle of incidence for the near stack.
Go to the Wavelet column and select the wavelet to be used for every stack. Available options are based on the wavelets you have loaded/created in Insight's Control Panel in the Wavelet tab (see Creating a Wavelet).
Tip: Your wavelet amplitude must be correct for your synthetic amplitude to match your seismic. Check the wavelet scale if your synthetic looks like a flat line. - Under the Seismic column, select the seismic volume from the available time-domain volumes in the project.
- Under the Noise column, you can type an estimate amount of noise (if it is available in the data). These values can be drawn as error bars on either side of the seismic trace by turning on the Angle Stacks and Noise curves in the View tab (see Defining View Settings).
- Wavelet amplitudes can be adjusted on a per-stack basis by entering a value in the x Wav column.
Absolute volumes

Select P-Impedance, S-Impedance and Density volumes for comparison to well data values in the absolute products tracks.
Low frequency models

Multiple sets of low frequency models can be loaded for comparison to the well data. This allows different approaches to low frequency model building to be compared to the filtered and unfiltered well data.
- Under the Low Frequency Models section, click the Add Row icon (+) to add one or more Low Frequency Inputs.
- Select your P-Impedance, S-Impedance and Density volumes.
- Click the green circle to disable the model. The green circle will turn amber. Similarly, if the model is disabled, click the amber circle to enable it. The amber circle will turn green.
- The models can be rearranged by clicking the Up and Down arrow keys beside the green/amber circle.