Exporting Bulk Well Data
In addition to exporting traces, checkshots, deviations and markers individually, well data can be bulk exported to OWX or DUGOWX.

- In the Control Panel, open the Well tab.
- Select a well or multiple wells to export.
- Right-click the selected well(s).
- Click Export and select All data (OWX format) or All data (DUGOWX format).
Note: DUGOWX includes additional information such as water depth and ground level and characters such as ø, ², and ₘ which are not supported in OWX.

- Browse the directory to save the well data.
- Type a file name followed by the .owx or .asc extension for OWX format and .dugowx for DUGOWX.
- Click Save. A pop-up window will appear to tell you that the export has been successful.