Customising the Map View
On the left of the Map View are several tabs that allow you to customise the map. You can display the left panel by clicking on any tab in the panel. Once it is opened, you can resize the panel width. Hide the side panel by clicking the same tab. Alternatively, you can click the arrow icon above the tabs to display/hide the left panel.
Expand the left panel in the Map View and open the Annotation tab.
- View Title: Type a title for the map and set the font size. The title will be displayed at the top center of the Map View.
- Volume Title: Show or hide the selected volume name, vertical location or both; and set the location of the label on the Map View.
- Font: Adjust the font size, colour and style for the volume title.
- North Arrow: Select this check box to display the north arrow on the map and click on the drop-down box at Position to select the position of the north arrow on the map.
- Scale Bar: Select this check box to display the scale bar on the map and adjust the font size for the scale bar labels. Click on the drop-down box at Position to select the position of the scale bar on the map.
Colour Bars: Select the Bubble, Horizon, Volume or Group (first only) check box to display their respective colourbar.
- Size / Position / Layout: Choose the colourbar size, position on the map view and layout type to show.
- Title: Show/hide the name of the class.
- Title along colour bar: Use an ellipsis in the middle of a truncated title if the title exceeds the colourbar bounds.
- Label font: Change the font type and size of the colourbar labels.
- Panel Background: Show/hide the background panel for the colourbars and set the colour.
Display the latitude/longitude grids on map
This section is only available if you have specified a latitude/longitude datum during the configuration of the project coordinate reference system (CRS) (see Creating a Project).

- Lines: Select this check box to display the latitude/longitude grids on the map. Select the colour and type the line thickness for the grids.
- Labels: Select this check box to display the latitude/longitude labels on the map. Select the text colour and type the font size for the labels.
- XHair Bar: Select this check box to display the latitude/longitude locations in the information bar at the bottom of the map as you move the mouse pointer (green crosshair). In addition to the information bar in the Map View, the latitude/longitude locations under the mouse pointer will always be displayed in the XHair window if you have specified a latitude/longitude datum for the project CRS.
- Label Format: Select the format to be used for the latitude/longitude labels on the map. Available options include Decimal Degrees and Degrees/Minutes/Seconds.
Setting Map Limits

Use the settings under Map Limits to set the view constraints in Map View.
- Click the magnifying icon search box and select a polygon, culture, probe or survey.
- Enable Constrain View Extents to view/edit the constrain values.
Adjust the general display settings

Expand the left panel in the Map View and open the Display tab (see Constraining the map area to limit the size of the map for this session).
- Background colour: Change the Map View background colour by selecting another colour. The default colour is set as white.
- Horizon Line/Dot Size: Adjust the size of the 2D and 3D horizon lines displayed on the Map View.
- Scroll Positions: Highlight and set the size of the zoom/scroll area on a line that is being displayed on section views (i.e. IL/CL View, Arbline View and 2D Views). You can also adjust the display on other views by dragging the highlighted area in the Map View.
Adjust the well display

Under the Wells section, adjust the following:
- Label Size: Type the font size of the well names that are displayed in the Map View.
Icon Scale %: Type the size (0%–300%) of the well icons that are displayed in the Map View. Select icons to show on the Map View:
- Use well map settings
- Well Name, symbol and path
- Well symbol and path
Show gather positions and annotation

- Gather Positions: Select to display gather positions on the map view.
- src/recvrs: Select to show src/recvrs annotations on the view.
Show survey grids and annotation

Select the Surveys check box to display all the survey grids on the map. If you clear this check box, the 2D Line Names, 2D Selected Lines, 3D Grid Lines and 3D Survey Numbers fields will be disabled.
- Select the 2D Lines check box to display the 2D survey lines on the map. Adjust the number on the drop-down arrow to change the survey lines' thickness (default 2).
- Select the 2D Line Names check box to display the 2D line names on the map if you have a 2D survey.
- Select the 2D Selected Lines check box to display the selected 2D lines (blue lines) on the map.
- Select the 3D Grid Lines check box to display the IL and CL grids on the map. Adjust the number on the drop-down arrow to change the survey lines' thickness (default 1).
- Select the 3D Survey Numbers check box to display the IL and CL labels at the 3D survey grids on the map.
Tip: The visibility of the Map View’s survey lines and annotations is primarily controlled by enabling or disabling the survey in the Survey tab. If you have activated a survey but want to hide the display of the survey lines in the map, open the Display tab in the Map View. Go to the General section and clear the Surveys check box.
Show fault intersections and contours

At Fault Intersection, select which fault intersection to show in the Map View: Horizontal Slice, Horizon or Both. This will display the points at which the faults intersect with either the horizontal slice, horizon or both. Select None if you do not wish to display any fault intersections.
Note: This option also determines which surface you are picking your fault on. If you try to fault pick when the Both option is selected, an error message will appear to tell you that it is not allowed.
To display contours in the Map View, see Displaying Contours.
Show Vector Map

Use Vector Map to extract values from direction and length volumes along the currently selected horizon, and display the slope lines in the Map View.
At the Vector Map section, click Show Vector Map to enable the settings.
- At the Vector Map section, click Show Vector Map to enable the settings.
- Direction / Length: Select the direction and length volumes.
- Line: Set the slope line colour and thickness.