Adding Seismic or Gather Tracks
Seismic and gather tracks display data along the wellbore or near the well location. Seismic/gather tracks act as containers for other tracks, such as axis and well curve tracks.
Seismic tracks can display any type of volume. If gathers (4D) are selected, only one plane can be chosen, e.g. display an offset plane from offset gathers or a frequency slice from spectral decomposition.
Gather tracks can only display gather (4D) volumes.

Adding Seismic or Gather Tracks

- In the Tracks tab, click the blue "+" icon.
- Choose Add Seismic Track or Add Gather Track.
Select a seismic or gather track in the tree to show the details and settings panels.
Appearance settings

Appearance settings apply to the entire track.
Title: A title (optionally) displayed in the track header
- Hide or show the title using the Show in header checkbox
- Track width: The width of the track in pixels
- Background: The background colour for the track
Section settings warnings (Seismic track)

The volumes available for display depend on the current domain. A warning is shown to explain the choices available for the selected domain.
Current domain is MDKB. Choose TWT or TVDSS to select volumes for display.
- MDKB is only relevant for well views. Volumes cannot be displayed in MDKB.
Time/Depth conversion is not configured. Listed volumes are limited to the current domain.
- With no velocity model configured for time-depth conversion, available volumes are limited TVD or TWT (matching the current view domain)
- Volumes are converted to time using the configured Time/Depth Conversion settings.
Volumes are converted to depth using the configured Time/Depth Conversion settings.
- Time/depth conversion is configured and will be used to convert volumes to the appropriate domain.
Section settings (Seismic track)

Section settings (seismic) control the displayed seismic section.
- Select the volume to display in the track.
Section type: Choose the data to show
- Arbline along path: display a section following the well trajectory
- Nearest IL: display the nearest inline
- Nearest CL: display the nearest crossline
- Nearest 2D line: display the nearest 2D line
Minimum width: This sets the minimum length of the displayed section.
- For deviated wells, the projected well path defines the length of the displayed section.
- For straight-hole or minimally deviated wells, the minimum width is used.
- Padding: This distance is added to the left and right edges of the section.
Gather and Volume settings (Gather track)

The Gather section controls the display track.
Source: Select one of the following to display in the track:
- Volume
- Process or Well
Note: Unselect Auto to set a custom Offset (m) or Gather range.

If Volume is selected as Source, configure the following parameters in the Volume section:
- Volume: Select the gather volume to display in the track.
Gather location:
- Nearest: Display the gather nearest to the selected horizon
- Marker: Display the location nearest to the well path at a point relative to the selected marker
- Horizon: Display the location nearest to the well path at a point relative to the first intersection with the selected horizon
- Constant: Display the location nearest to the well path at a constant time, vertical depth, or measured depth
- Top: Display the first location from the well path
- Water Bottom: Display the location nearest to the well path at a point relative to the configured water depth
- Bottom: Display the location nearest to the well path at a point relative to the end of the well path
- Shift Gather IL/CL: Shift gather by relative IL/CL values.
Note: All the Gather Location options except Nearest allow the position along the well path to be moved by a constant amount in TWT (ms), TVDSS (m or ft) or MKDB (m or ft).

If Process or Well is selected as Source, click the Well Curve Chooser button to display the Well curve chooser screen. For more information, refer to Selecting Well Curves.
Display settings (Seismic track)

Display settings control annotations and other features of the track.
- Show well: Display the well, tracks and well path
- Show other wells: (Seismic) Display nearby wells
- Projection distance(m): (Seismic) How far to search for nearby wells
- Show name: Display the well name
- Show distance: (Seismic) Include the distance to the well
- Show path: Display the well path (with colour and size)
- Show intersection: Display intersections between the section and well (with colour and size)
- Marker Line Overrun: Extend markers outside the well track
- Scale bar: Display a scale bar and set the placement
- Volume / Well Curves: Select to display colour bars either for Volume or Well Curves.
- Size and Position: Select the desired size and placement of the color bar.
- Panel Background: Select the colour for the panel background.
Note: To batch update the display settings, select multiple tracks by holding down the Ctrl key, and make the desired changes.
Display settings (Gather track)

Select for one of the following display options:
- Use display settings from volume
- Use range from class
- Specify the settings
For Use range from class and Specify the settings options, the Density and Wiggle can be selected for display, and Range can be customised. Select Estimate to estimate the range from the volume.
Marker settings

- Well markers: Display markers at well tops (well markers)
- Horizon markers: Display markers at horizons
- Show marker lines: Display lines at well/horizon markers
- Show names: Display names at well/horizon markers
- On top: Display well/horizon markers on top of the track.
Cursor Values in Seismic and Gather Tracks
In well views, values are shown from the mouse cursor location in the footer of the seismic and/or gathers track.

When the cursor is over a well or displayed well track, amplitudes are extracted at the well location. A value is shown for each curve displayed, including the background volume. Values at the well have the “(Well)” prefix.
When the cursor is not over a well, the amplitudes are extracted from volume at the exact cursor location.