Importing a Horizon
Insight can import both 2D and 3D horizons. 3D horizons on IL/CL or X/Ys are accepted in DUGs internal format, Geoquest Card Image 7 or ZMap format. For 2D horizons, Insight works with CMPs rather than shot points. Importing 2D or 3D horizons uses the same workflow - the following examples describe the steps.
Note: You can also import horizons that are saved in the GeoQuest Card Image 7 (.dat) format. For this format, Insight will import the horizons using the text importer (see the example in Using the Horizon Text Importer to import a .dat horizon file). For more information on importing horizon files, see Horizon Import File Formats.
Import a 2D CMP horizon

- In the Control Panel, select the Import menu.
- Click Horizons.
- Select the 2D CMP horizon to be imported. The space-delimited text file for a 2D CMP horizon contains the columns for the 2D line name, CMP, and the vertical dimension (time/depth). You can select multiple horizon files to be imported at the same time.
Import an IL/CL horizon
- In the Control Panel, select the Import menu.
- Click Horizons.
- Select the IL/CL horizon to be imported. An IL/CL horizon file should have the .ilcl extension (extension .ilclt for time horizons and .ilclz for depth horizons). You can select multiple horizon files to be imported at the same time.
Import an XYZ horizon
- In the Control Panel, select the Import menu.
- Click Horizons.
- Select the XYZ horizon file to be imported. If the horizon is sparse with points that are not on the regular grids, you will see the horizon imported as a set of dots in the Map View. Each dot, by default has a diameter of 200 m. You can change the size of the diameter at Map point size (m) in the Display properties of the horizon. See the following example:

Interpolate sparse XYZ horizons

- In the Map View, display the sparse XYZ horizon.
- Expand the left panel and open the Operations tab.
- At Operation, select Regrid. This operation will create an X/Y horizon on a regular grid (see Horizon Regrid).
- Display the newly regrid horizon in the Map View.
- In the Operations tab, select Interpolate/Extrapolate at Operation to produce a smooth and fully-populated horizon surface (see Horizon Interpolate/Extrapolate).