Importing Polygons
Polygons are imported from text files. Supported formats depend on the polygon type.
Map or area polygon formats:
- GeoQuest/IESX (.dat or .iesx)
- DUG Polygon (.dupoly)
- Text (columnar or delimited) (.txt)
- Kingdom Planimeter (.dat or .plg).
Section polygon formats:
- DUG Polygon (.dupoly)
See also:
Importing a polygon file

- In the Control Panel, select Import menu.
- Click Polygons...
- Select the polygon file
- Select multiple files to load several polygons at once.
- Click Open.
- Columnar or delimited text files require additional configuration. See Using the Polygon Text Importer.
- Other formats do not require additional settings
- If the file contains map or area polygons, the CRS Conversion window is shown.
Note: Some polygon formats can include multiple polygons in one file. When importing, all the polygons in the file are loaded at the same time.
Using the Polygon Text Importer
When importing columnar or delimited text files, the Text Import window is shown
If there are no errors and the polygon file contains map or area polygons, the CRS Conversion window is shown.