Volume Resampling

Description Resample volumes temporally, adjust sample rates, perform time-depth conversion and extents (for 3D).
Module(s) Insight
Requirements Volume
Related Volume Interpolation/Extrapolation
Works with 2D, Stacks, Gathers, Dip Fields

This process takes an input volume and creates a result with different spatial and vertical extents. 2D data is limited to vertical resampling only. The process also converts between time and depth if Time/Depth Conversion is configured. 


  • When downsampling (increasing the sample interval or increment), apply an anti-alias filter first.
  • The process creates spatially interpolated new traces using bi-Lagrangian interpolation.
  • The vertical interpolation is determined by the class settings of the volume.


Warning: This process should NOT be used to vertically resample or perform time/depth conversion on a velocity model. Use a Velocity Conversion process to resample velocities. This process should only be used to add or remove whole traces from a velocity model.

Create a volume resampling process

Create a volume resampling process
  1. In the Control Panel, open the Process tab.
  2. At the tab header, click the Add (+) icon and select New Process.
  3. In the Create Process window, either search for Volume Resampling in the Search field, or scroll down to locate it.
  4. Click Add, provide a name for the process, and select OK.
  5. Click Close.

Define the output extents

  1. In the Details Panel, select the input volume to be resampled at Volume. In the example, a 3D volume is chosen.
  2. At the Output Extents section, select an output Survey.
  3. Type the range of Inline and Crossline extents for the resampling process and the respective sample intervals.
  4. Select either time (TWT) or depth TVDSS (ft) or TVDSS (m) for vertical resampling.

Warning: When downsampling (increasing the sample interval or increment), apply an anti-alias filter first.

Define resampling parameters

  1. Use Sample interpretation to control whether samples are treated as point values (Instantaneous) or interval values (Top-posted interval).  
  2. Vertical interpolation controls how values are obtained when interpolating between samples, for example when performing an amplitude extraction or displaying a horizontal slice through a volume.
    • Edge Detecting: Use this for blocky data, such as impedance volumes.
    • Lagrangian: Use this for smoothly varying data, but not velocities.
    • Linear: Use this for ZT and TZ velocity volumes.
    • Sinc: Use this for seismic data.
    • Nearest: Use this for integer volumes, such as "most likely LID", and interval velocities

Time-Depth Conversion

  1. Velocity Model: Select one of the following methods:
    • Use a constant velocity
      • Constant Velocity: Set a constant velocity.
      • Velocity Units: Select the unit of the constant velocity.
    • Use a velocity volume
      • Velocity Volume: Select a velocity volume.
      • Velocity Type: Select the type of velocity. By default, this setting is based on the class of the input velocity volume.
      • Velocity Units: Select the unit of the input velocity.
    • Use the project velocity

Note: Click the Reset icon to reset the values to the default. As a result of this process, a new resampled volume is available in the Volume tab.

Warning: Apply an anti-alias filter beforehand if necessary.