What's new in 2024?
This page lists some new and exciting features that are now available in DUG Insight.
DUG Insight 5.1-411221
User Interface
Insight has been updated with a modern interface, featuring a sleek, flat design for an enhanced user experience.

Horizons can now be added to surface groups from the right-click menu.

Volume Resampling
The Volume Resampling process now supports constant velocities for time-depth conversions.

- 3D View: Improved performance when viewing fault surfaces (since 5.1-402211)
- Arblines: Fixed the problem report when selecting "Zoom to fit Volume" in arbline view (since 5.1-408271)
- Horizons: Regrid, Interpolate, and Extrapolate: Added support for fault polygons when using the splines in tension algorithm
- Predict: Fixed hang when displaying many log messages
- Well Correlation: Fixed incorrect curve track order in some cases (since 5.1-408271)
- Wells: Single Well View: Fixed highlight polygon visibility not updating (since 5.1-407291)
- Spectra Viewer: Added support for wrapping phase spectra to a range of (0, 360) degrees
- Volumes:
- ASCII Import: Added support for vertical increment in microseconds for time, and decimetres/decifeet for depth
- ASCII Import: CDPX/Y headers are now populated instead of GX/Y when using an existing survey
DUG Insight 5.1-409241
Header Ranges
A new Header ranges option is now available on the right-click menu for all volumes (2D, 3D Land, and COV). When clicked, the Header Ranges window displays the header information. For 2D volumes, a Line selector is available at the top of the window and a specific line can be selected to display the header ranges for the line.

Points of Interest Table
Points of Interest Table is now supported and it allows users to pick features of interest on a seismic section and register them in a table. As an example, this functionality can be used to pick geo-hazards, such as boulders. Adding and editing notes are also supported.

- Control panel: Changed warning into an info message when NaN or Inf values are detected in volumes (since 5.1-404182)
- QI stochastic model: Fixed problem report when opening lithofluid products (since 5.1-403262)
- Views: Attribute Map View: Fixed zoom to volume not zooming correctly
DUG Insight 5.1-408271
Anisotropy - Gather track
The Gather track of the Anisotropy tool has been enhanced for a better user experience, including an interactive gather display that updates as parameters are changed.
Wells - Track tab
The Volume section of the Tracks tab is now more compact but with improved control. All the Gather Location options except Nearest allow the position along the well path to be moved by a constant amount in TWT (ms), TVDSS (m or ft) or MKDB (m or ft). A new control to shift gather by relative IL/CL values is now available.

Gather View
Gather View now supports switching between active volumes using the Page Down/Page Up hotkeys.
Horizons: Horizon Smoothing: Improved results near the edge of data
DUG Insight 5.1-407291
Data Histogram
Min Value, Max Value, and Location information are now displayed in the Data Histogram window.

The Data Histogram window has been enhanced as follows:
- The options to export min/max values for a particular line or all data to a CSV file are now available. To do this, right-click the Line field, and select the desired option.
- The Screen Capture feature is now supported.

Wells - Track tab
The Single Well view has been enhanced with improved control over display settings as follows:
- For gather tracks, Density and Wiggle can now be selected for display. The display range can now be controlled, including estimating it from the volume.
- The control settings for the Colour bar have been improved for the seismic, gather, and connecting tracks, where colour bar size and panel background can now be customised. Multiple tracks can be selected and the settings can be updated simultaneously.

- 3D View: Removed support for well charts
- Horizons: Interpolate/Extrapolate/Regrid: Extrapolation covers all the samples that touch the fill area
- Processes: AGC: Fixed scalars not being clipped in non-windowed modes (since 5.1-311201)
- Processes: Stacking: SX/SY/GX/GY headers are not zeroed
- Views: Fixed bulk image export hanging in some circumstances
DUG Insight 5.1-406171
Petrel Link
The Petrel Link now supports Petrel 2024.
The Zoom to fit Volume feature is now available on the right-click menu for all views. The new zooming option fits the selected volume to the current window, while the Zoom to fit All option fits the contents of the whole session.

Wells - Log Curves
Viewing and editing log curves in tables are now supported in the Edit Log Curve Set window.

Data Histogram
The Data Histogram feature has been moved to the Volume tab > Details panel, and is no longer listed in the right-click menu.

- Crossplot: Fixed volume/horizon crossplot highlighting
- Screen Capture: Moved the resolution field to the top of the dialogue
- Well processes: Curve Maths: Fixed problem report when removing process from session
- Well processes: Curve Maths: Fixed problem report when selecting a class
DUG Insight 5.1-405231
Screen Captures
Captured images can now be exported to the SVG format.

- 3D view: Fixed inconsistent sizing with UI scaling and for high-resolution screenshots
- Crossplot: Fixed crossplot highlights volumes not honouring the UTM probe
- Crossplot: Fixed crossplot horizon highlights not honouring rotated probe
- Horizons: Header Extraction: Change default horizon type to X/Y for 2D volumes
- Horizons: Horizon import: Fixed dropdown size when selecting column mapping (since 5.1-402211)
DUG Insight 5.1-404182
Control Panel
The visibility of the tabs in the control panel side menu on Insight can now be customised using one of the following methods:
- Right-click a tab and select Hide "X".

- The Preferences window (accessed from the File menu or right-click a tab > Manage tab visibility). The tabs to display can be selected and unselected from the Tabs tab.

A warning will now display in the details panel if a volume contains NaN or INF samples. The warning will also include the location of one of the NaN/INF samples for newer volumes.

- Culture: Fixed problem report on some KML imports
- Culture: Fixed problem report when exporting certain cultures to shape files
- Views: Improved the appearance of views when using UI scaling
DUG Insight 5.1-403261
- 3D view: Improved performance of complex volume rendering on many-core machines
- 3D view: Improved performance viewing volumes clipped to a probe
- Horizons: Interpolate/Extrapolate/Regrid: Extrapolation now covers all the samples that touch the fill area
- Installers: Fixed Windows per-user installation always removing previous versions
- Models: LF model (GHID): improve error message when horizons don't intersect any wells
- Wells: Darcy is now supported as a unit in LAS well curve import
- Wells: Fixed checkshot interval velocity curves using an incorrect interpolation method by default (since 5.1-312201)
DUG Insight 5.1-402211
- 3D view: Fixed problem report when rendering large volumes
- Faults: Improved performance displaying and picking faults
- Sessions: Improved loading times when there are many wells
- Views: 2D gather view: Fixed problem report when there are no 2D lines
DUG Insight 5.1-401241
Header Extraction
Range attribute is now available for the Header Extraction operation in Map View for XY Horizons.

A new DUGOWX well format is supported for water depth, ground level, and Unicode wells.

Angle Gathers
A new option, Attribute gathers, has been added to the Angle to offset source parameter to use an auxiliary gather volume to define the angle offset conversion.

- Faults: Fixed incorrect fault stick shift when project AMSL is non-zero (since 5.1-311201)
- Horizons: Fixed blocky display in section views when at least one horizon has very large vertical extents
- Horizons: Header Extraction: X/Y source is included in horizon name and notes
- QI stochastic model: Added lithofluid depth override validity range display
- QI stochastic model: Fixed lithofluid export with depth override
- Views: arbline view: Fixed pixelated display for high-resolution 3D surveys
- Views: Made disabled volume visible when clicking on the new view button
- Views: Map View: Improved performance of displaying well symbols
- Well processes: Improved large well session loading time