Fluid Property Calculator
Calculate reservoir fluid properties (water, oil and gas) using empirical relationships such as salinity, pressure, temperature and porosity.

- In the Control Panel, go to View > New Single Well View.
- In the Single Well window, open the Process tab.
- At the tab header, click the blue "+" icon.
- Click on Fluid Property Calculator.
- Type a name for the process and click OK.
Configure the fluid property calculator

Calculate: choose which reservoir property to calculate.
- Water
- Oil
- Gas
Input Curves: Input to the fluid property calculator can be curve/s or a user specified constant value. Enable the fluid property by clicking the yellow circle and select the curve with the curve picker icon.
- For calculating water properties: Temperature, Pressure, Salinity
- For calculating oil properties: Temperature, Pressure, Oil gravity, GOR, Gas gravity
- For calculating gas properties: Temperature, Pressure, Gas gravity

Layer: Choose to use the curve from the input curve settings, or to use a constant value. Click the blue "+" to add a new layer or red "x" icon to remove. Layers can also be defined to calculate properties using different parameters.
- If no curves are selected for the calculation
- Top: User specified constant, horizon or markers
- Base: The maximum output depth
- If curves are selected for calculation
- Top: User specified constant, horizon or markers or where the minimum curve depth is
- Base: Maximum curve depth
- If no curves are selected for the calculation
- Output Summary: Shows the summary of the calculated output.
- By default, the output curve name uses the following values: calc: (calculated property)_(reservoir property)_(process name)
- For example: calc: Vp_Oil_FluidProperties
- Enable custom name: Allow the user to enter a custom process output curve name.
Extent: Output can be in MDKB, TWT or TVDSS domain.
- Enter the start, stop and step size.
- Reset: Automatically set the start, stop and step size value to match the data in the first curve.