Using Litho-Fluid Models
Litho-fluid models from the QI Stochastic Model can be incorporated into crossplots. This can be a valuable tool when differentiating stratigraphy and identifying lithologies in the crossplot.
Selecting the model
- Open an existing crossplot or create a new crossplot.
- Open the LithoFluid Model tab.
- Select a single litho-fluid model (.dustat) or an interface model (.dupdf).
- Models must be loaded into Insight in the Control Panel > QI tab (see Importing a LithoFluid Model/PDF).
- See the next sub-section for using intercept and gradient PDFs.
- PDF attributes: Select the distribution from the model to plot. These should correspond to the selected horizontal and vertical crossplot volumes.
- Attribute Scale: Apply a multiplier to the horizontal and vertical model values to correct for different model units or reflectivity adjustments
- Model Depths: Select the model depths to view
Tip: Multiple ellipses can be displayed. To deselect all, right-click a selected depth and choose Deselect All.

- Show Centres: Select to display the centres of the ellipses. Optionally, adjust the size of the dots.
- Show Points: Select to display the crossplot points within the ellipses. Optionally, adjust the size of the dots and the limit for the dot count.
- Colour: Set the PDF ellipse colour
- Ellipses: Enable to show the PDF ellipse in the crossplot
- Hilite: Enable to highlight corresponding points from the volumes in section views (as geobodies)
- Volume: The gross rock volume of the highlighted areas (with highlight enabled)
- Export volume: Export the geobodies as volumes (see Exporting volumes).
- Export crossplot data: Export crossplot ellipse points as a .tsv text file (with or without source coordinates).
Tip: Click the circle at the bottom of the Litho-Fluids model to show/hide all the ellipses.
- The display style of the ellipses is controlled from the View tab (see Configuring Crossplots).
Note: When highlighting geobodies and ellipses overlap, entries at the top of the list take precedence over lower ones.
Here is an example of geobodies highlighted in the IL/CL View:

Using intercept and gradient PDFs
Litho-fluid interface models (intercept and gradient) from QI Stochastic Model can be displayed in crossplots.

- Open an existing crossplot or create a new crossplot.
- To generate the intercept and gradient volumes in Insight, see Intercept/Gradient.
- Intercept volume: horizontal data set
- Gradient volume: vertical data set
- Open the LithoFluid Model tab.
- PDF Model: Select the litho-fluid interface model (.dupdf format). Click the drop-down arrow, and select Interface Properties.
- PDF Attributes: Select the distribution from the model to plot (“intercept_vs_gradient”)
- Scale: Apply a multiplier to the horizontal and vertical model values to correct for different model units and/or reflectivity adjustments.
- Show Centres: Select to display the centres of the ellipses. Optionally, adjust the size of the dots.
- Show Points: Select to display the crossplot points within the ellipses. Optionally, adjust the size of the dots and the limit for the dot count.
- Model Depth: Select the model depths to view.
Note: Right-click and select Zoom to fit to ensure active ellipses are visible in the window.