Volumes Overview
A volume refers to the seismic data contained in a data set.
SEG-Y is not a good format for fast reading of data. Therefore, Insight converts SEG-Y into DUG’s own proprietary DUGIO format for faster reading of data. This initial DUGIO volume is referred to as the prime DUGIO volume.
In the primary dugio volume, the trace data is stored in such a way that it can be efficiently accessed in many possible ways, whether it be looking at various slices, blocks of traces, small regions or single traces. To make things fast for the generalised case, there is some additional work that occurs in the form of reading additional data or doing extra decompression. This conversion is done via the SEG-Y Loader. For details on the specific steps to import data using the SEG-Y Loader, see SEG-Y Loader Overview.
Optimised volumes
In addition to the prime DUGIO volume, Insight can also create optimised volumes.
Optimised volumes boost the performance in Insight. For more information on optimised volumes, see How it Works (Optimising Volumes).
If you import the volume from SEG-Y Loader, the volume will be optimised by default. Otherwise, see Optimising Volumes for Performance to manually optimise the volume.
Import/load volume
When you have successfully converted your volume to dugio, see Importing a Volume to import it into Insight.
Note: If you already have an existing volume in your project database, click on the Add icon in the Volume tab and select Load volumes already in the project to load it into your session.
Exploring volume options
Now that you have your volume, you can configure the class and display settings of the volume. Click on the following links for more configuration options:
- Changing a Volume's Class — In Insight, most display settings are grouped in generic and reusable "Classes". Navigate to this page to change the class that was auto-assigned to the volume.
- Volume Display Settings — The display of volume traces can also be configured from the Details Panel of the volume. This page explains in detail all the display options available.
- Redefining Volume's Survey — If you have incorrectly imported the volume to the wrong survey, Insight allows you to move the entire volume onto a different survey.
- Manual Mistie Corrections — From the Configure Volume window, you can manually correct data misties by performing a bulk shift of the data, phase rotate and/or adjust the amplitude scale.
Multiple volumes can be grouped together to perform certain processes simultaneously. You can create a group in the Group tab and add volumes to the group (see Creating a Group), or you can directly select multiple volumes in the Volume tab and add these to a new group from the right-click context menu (see Grouping Volumes).
To create a copy of a volume, simply export the volume and select the Add to session when export completes check box. Alternatively the Volume Maths process allows you to duplicate the volume. See Copying Volumes for more information.
If you have added or removed lines from a 2D volume, right click on the volume and select Refresh line list to update the volume (see Refreshing Volumes).
Export volume
2D and 3D volumes can be exported in Insight's standard DUG I/O format or converted back to SEG-Y.
Exporting volumes to DUG I/O may be useful for the following reasons (see Exporting to DUG I/O):
- to change your data sample rate or increments
- to convert an entire volume to time or depth, so as to improve performance over doing time/depth conversion on the fly
- to improve the performance of a computationally-intensive process volume such as volume maths or intercept/gradient
- to use with another DUG application such as DUG Well or DUG Spike.
When exporting gather volumes, Insight allows for advanced compression of the data in which you can define the compression quality of the export (see Exporting Gathers with Advanced Compression).
You can also export your volume to SEG-Y format for use in other softwares and applications (see Exporting to SEG-Y). To edit the SEG-Y text headers before exporting the volume to SEG-Y format, see Editing SEG-Y Text Headers.