Obtaining a Trial Licence
A trial licence provides full functionality of the Insight Explorationist bundle for a 30-day period with the following exceptions:
- Data cannot be exported.
- A subtle watermark is overlaid on all displays when running in this mode.
All project data created with an trial licence can continue to be used after upgrading to a commercial or academic licence.
An official evaluation can be arranged by emailing [email protected] which will grant fuller access to DUG Insight.
Request for an trial licence via email
When you run Insight for the first time, Insight will automatically prompt you to request for an trial licence.
The following window will be displayed:

- Type your Name and Email. These are mandatory fields.
- Click OK. DUG will send an activation code to your email.
Alternatively, you can also send an email to [email protected] to request a trial licence.
Offline licence request

- Launch Insight and click Cancel or the Click Here link.
- In the Licence Manager window, click Email Activation.

- Select Request a licence to generate a licence request.
- Click on the Request a standard evaluation licence checkbox and click Next. Insight will copy an auto-generated evaluation licence request to your clipboard.
- Paste (Ctrl-V) the request into an email and send it to [email protected]. It will look something like this:
PRODUCT: Insight
HARDWAREUID: 3-2551435293-5-121-0-308-518-111-1111-1111-1111
TYPE: Trial
- In reply, you will receive an email with an attached licence file. Save the file to your computer.
Activate trial in the Licence Manager
Once you have received the activation code or licence file for the evaluation licence from DUG, you can activate it online or via email (see Online Activation or Email Activation).
Tip: Online activation is performed via the web. If your network requires the use of a proxy to access the web, see Configuring Proxy Settings.