Working with Time-Depth Sets and Checkshots
DUG Insight provides several tools for working with wells time-depth sets and checkshots. These tools are available by right-clicking the checkshot track in the Synthetics view (see Editing Time-Depth Pairs).
Note: Make sure you have ownership of the well before using these tools (see Taking Ownership of Wells)

To create new time-depth pairs from known time-depth values, see Manually Creating Time-Depth Pairs.
Choose Create / Resample Time-Depth for advanced operations, including:
- Resample dense (or sparse) checkshots while preserving velocity boundaries (see Resampling Time-Depth Pairs).
- Copy time-depth pairs from another well (see Generating T-D Pairs from another well).
- Calculate time-depth pairs from a sonic log (see Generating Time-Depth Pairs from Sonic Log).
- Calculate time-depth pairs from a velocity model (see Generating Time-Depth Pairs from Velocity Model).
When resampling and creating sets from logs or velocity models, the accuracy setting creates sparse checkshots while maintaining a high level of time-depth conversion accuracy.
Undo / Redo

Time-depth sets support undo / redo and changes can be removed, or reapplied.
- To undo or redo a change, right-click in the track and select Undo or Redo.

Undo and redo actions are also available from the well component view.
Select All

- Use Select All to select every checkshot of the current well.
- Click Clear selection to unselect checkshots.
Note: The Select All option is disabled if the well is horizontal or has a section where the TWT decreases with increasing measured depth.
Bulk Shift

Use Bulk Shift to make adjustments to the selected checkshots.
- Right click the checkshot track and click Select All.
a. Click + hold on any checkshot and drag up or down, or
b. Enter a value in the text field and click the arrow buttons to shift by that amount.
Note: To apply bulk shifts to a well with a horizontal section or decreasing TWT, export the checkshots and edit them externally in a spreadsheet.