Location/Time-Specific Wavelet
You can use spatially or time-varying wavelet. This feature allows you to define the different X/Y locations and time for interpolation of wavelet between the different location/time.
Combining multiple wavelets in the same wavelet object automatically creates a wavelet field. Insight automatically interpolates and extrapolates wavelet fields to provide a smoothly varying wavelet at any location.
Configure location/time varying wavelet
- In the Control Panel, open the Wavelet tab.
- Click the blue "+" icon and select New Wavelet Field.
- In the Details Panel, click the blue "+" icon to add a wavelet.
- Select and click the wavelet type to use.
- Ricker wavelet
- Butterworth wavelet
- Spike wavelet
- Vibroseis wavelet
- Click Load from file(s) and then select the wavelet file in the .su format to load.
- At the row to edit, click the configure wavelet spanner icon.
- Click the colour icon next to the spanner icon to select the preferred colour for the wavelet.
- Under the Locn X, Locn Y and TWT columns, type the X/Y locations and/or TWT to define the X/Y locations and time for the wavelet.

- When using Butterworth wavelet:
- Select the Filter type to use: Low-pass, High-pass or Band-pass
- Enable/disable options to Use a minimum phase filter
- Specify filters via pass and stop.

- When using Vibroseis wavelet:
- Select the Sweep type: Linear, Quadratic, Hyperbolic or Logarithmic.
- Type the Sweep start/end frequency (Hz), Sweep Length, Taper start/end length, and Sample interval value.
- Select the Taper function of Cosine, Blackman, Blackman (exact), Blackman (-67dB) or Blackman-Harris.
- To enable autocorrelation, tick the Klauder (autocorrelation) box.
- Configure the Frequency (Hz) (for Ricker wavelet), Phase (), Scale and Lag (ms)for the wavelet.
- Move the slider or type the Frequency (Hz) of the wavelet phase. Click the spanner icon to set the min/max value for the frequency slider. The maximum allowable frequency is 10kHz.
- An acceptable value for lag is between -/+1000ms.
- The wavelet scale should be around 10x the maximum amplitude of the seismic trace. You can further adjust the parameters while doing quality checks for synthetics, modelling or spectra analysis.
- Repeat these steps to add more rows and define different X/Y locations and/or TWT to configure wavelet at the specific locations and/or time.
Wavelets defined at different X/Y locations are combined horizontally based on inverse-distance weighting. Meanwhile, wavelets that are defined at different TWTs are linearly interpolated to combine them vertically.
To configure the wavelet view (see Configuring the Wavelet Preview Window).
Tip: The performance of a wavelet field is proportional to the number of TWTs at which you have defined the wavelets. For example, defining wavelets at five different TWTs will require considerably more computation than defining wavelets at five X/Y locations at the same TWT.