Exporting Synthetics/Seismic Traces
You can export the synthetics or the traces extracted along the well bore from the seismic volume in Seismic Unix or ASCII format for a specific well or all the wells.
Export synthetic/seismic traces

- In the Synthetics window, open the Synthetic tab.
- Go to the Export Traces section.
- At Data, select Synthetic to export the synthetics or Seismic to export the traces extracted along the well bore from the seismic volume.
- At Wells, select All Wells if you want to export traces of all the wells. Alternatively, select Current Well if you want to export traces specific to the well currently displayed in the Synthetics window.
- Select Seismic Unix or ASCII at Format to define the export file format.
- Type the sample interval for the export at Sample Interval.
- Click Export and select/create the export directory where the traces will be saved.
- Click Save.