What's new in 2023?
This page lists some new and exciting features now available in DUG Insight.
DUG Insight 5.1-312201
All classes that currently default to top-posted interval are changed to Interval (Smooth) instead of Interval (Blocky). Existing Insight sessions are not affected by this change.

Horizon interpretation
Hotkey A is enabled to cycle through the following horizon picking modes:
- Straight Line
- Amplitude Snapping
- Propagator Guided
- Propagator
DUG Insight 5.1-311201
Automatic Gain (AGC)
The Automatic Gain (AGC) process has been enhanced as follows:
- The following new methods are now available as Gain function options:
- Smoothed absolute values
- Smoothed root-squared values
- Smoothed instantaneous amplitude
- A new option, Bulk scale, has been added to apply an overall scale to the whole volume, on top of any data-dependent gain.

K Filter
The K Filter process has been enhanced as follows:
- The Downsampling factor parameter is replaced with the Stop Wavenumber parameter.
- A new Filter Shape parameter, which controls the shape of the filter, has been added with the following options:
- Blackman-Harris
- Butterworth
- Bessel
- A new parameter, Output Type, has been added with the following options:
- Filtered Output
- Removed Noise

The following processes are now supported in workflows:
- Velocity Re-Datum
- Fast Direction from TOrt Azimuth
- TTI Velocity Axis Conversion
- Dip Azimuth
Surface-Consistent Deconvolution (by solver)
Smooth CMP and Smooth offset options are now available in the Surface-Consistent Deconvolution (by solver) process.

Ray Tracing
A new Ray path selection parameter is now available in Ray Tracing to determine the criteria for choosing the ray path to be used where there are multi-arrivals. The options are as follows:
- Slowest: The ray that has experienced the overall slowest velocity
- Fastest: The ray that has experienced the overall fastest velocity
- Strongest: The maximum amplitude
- First-arrival: The minimum travel time arrival
- Velocity contrast: The ray that has experienced the smallest spatial derivative of velocity
Previously, the slowest velocity ray was selected by default.

- Mutes: Angle Mute and Angle Stacks - added option to hang mutes off surface horizon when using interval velocities in depth.
- Imaging: Tomography - improved performance when using refraction picks and isotropic modelling.
- Preproc: SRME, IME - improved performance and memory usage on very large volumes.
- Preproc: SC Deconvolution - added support for multiple input files.
- Preproc: SRME - improved performance and reproducibility by generating contribution grids per shot and cable. Minor changes to results.
- Processes: DUG Broad - improved performance. Minor changes in results.
- Views: Interval quantity interpolation - improved performance. Some results may change slightly
- Views: Tau-PP view - a new view.
DUG Insight 5.1-310061
Bulk Image Export
View snapshots can now be configured to export screenshots of multiple volumes in a single click.

The Statistical Wavelet Extractor now supports sub-ms sampled volumes.
The Ricker Wavelet has been enhanced as follows:
- The maximum allowable frequency has been increased to 10kHz.
- Appropriate Nyquist sample rate changes are applied when the frequency slider is used.
- The wavelet plot is now automatically zoomed so that the full wavelet is visible.

DUG Wave (FWI, LS-RTM and RTM)
The DUG Wave FWI process now supports the option to add supershots. DUG Wave LS-RTM and DUG Wave RTM now require the new vertical supershot clustering if the Honour source/receiver depth headers option is enabled.

DUG Wave FWI, LS-RTM, and RTM now support two Shift behaviour modes in Supershots. The receivers (shots in reciprocal modes) can be shifted to either keep the original CMP position or to preserve the offset and azimuth.
DUG Wave FWI, LS-RTM, and RTM imaging products are now enhanced with the Velocity smoothing length option for angle mutes. This applies a vertical smoothing to the interval velocity in depth.

The G-SOT objective function is now available in DUG Wave FWI. Graph-space Optimal Transport (G-SOT) uses the p-Wasserstein norm as its objective function, providing more resilience to cycle-skipping than the conventional L2 squared approach. This allows users to start from simpler initial models and make larger steps in frequency than would typically be possible.
Residual Statics
The Residual Statics process is now available in the PreProc tab. This process corrects the seismic traces for residual short wavelength time delays after application of elevation, refraction, or tomographic corrections, which typically solve for long wavelength variations. The process can operate on both 2D and 3D inputs. Note that land/OBN datasets must be sorted to 3D first; this process does not support shots or receiver-sorted data.
Dip Fields
The following processes now support dip fields as input volumes:
- Header maths
- NaN removal
- Reassign geometry headers
- Simple mute
- Trace chooser
- Volume combine
- Volume merge
- Volume resampling
- Volume sculpting
Furthermore, dip volume headers are now displayed in section views.

Reflectivity Model
The Reflectivity Model process has been enhanced with options to produce Horizontal Reflectivity Magnitude and Directional Reflectivity. Horizontal Reflectivity Magnitude calculates the magnitude of the horizontal reflectivity, while Directional Reflectivity approximates the reflectivity perpendicular to the dipping plane.
Volume Sort
A new process, Volume Sort (3D IL/CL back to 2D), has been added to Insight which allows the user to sort a 3D volume into a 2D sub-surface line shot/channel volume. The Volume Sort (3D Binning) process now includes the Allow sorting back option, which becomes available when operating on a single, 2D shot/channel input volume. Selecting this option will store a representation of the line in UI1 for use in a subsequent Volume Sort (3D IL/CL back to 2D) process, and create a table mapping line names to UI1 header values.

Performance of the following features has significantly improved in this version:
- Horizon picking
- Session loading
- Opening large volumes
- DUG Deblend
- Cadzow filter (added support for NVIDIA GPUs)
- DUG DL Swell
- Dataload: Read source depth from P1/11 S records.
- Dataload: Read source positions from standard P1/11 object type 4, as well as existing type 37.
- Crossplots: Increased axis cursor value precision.
- Imaging: DUG Wave FWI and LS-RTM - renamed "honour water depth headers" to "shallow water upsampling".
- Imaging: DUG Wave FWI - improved accuracy of velocity update in TTI mode where there are steep dips and strong anisotropy.
- Views: Flipped frequency axis.
- Views: IL/CL view - linked IL and CL scale by default.
- Views: Improved screenshot resolution at higher scales.
- Volumes: Improved memory usage for sessions containing 2D, 3D or COV volumes.
- Wells: Single well view, well correlation view: added support for showing and hiding multiple items at once.
- Workflows: Splitting 2D common-offset workflows into multiple tasks per line is now supported.
DUG Insight 5.1-308172
QI Stochastic Model
The new QI Stochastic Model is a stochastic modelling tool. It directly replaces the legacy "Distill" module.
The QI Stochastic Model can be opened from the QI tab. It integrates seamlessly and interactively with the Insight crossplots and lithofluid workflows.
Reflectivity Model
This new process generates reflectivity volumes from interval velocity and density, and optionally, fractional updates to velocity and density.
Reflectivity Model is similar to DUG Wave's Reflectivity, but the outputs may differ due to the difference in volume interpolation. The output of the Reflectivity Model process inherits the sampling and extent of the input velocity model. Inputs sampled differently will be interpolated/extrapolated onto the velocity grid. This differs from DUG Wave, which returns reflectivity with the same sampling and extents as the update fractions.
Volume Derivative
The Volume Derivative process now supports various derivative methods such as Fourier, Butterworth, Taylor, and Lanczos along with the legacy Leapfrog method.

Simple Structured Model
This new process creates a simple volume from a window model.
- Imaging: DUG Wave FWI, LS-RTM and RTM - improved angle mute behaviour in the water layer, especially for OBN data.
- Imaging: DUG Wave FWI, LS-RTM and RTM - improved header read performance at startup for marine volumes with many lines.
- Imaging: DUG Wave FWI, LS-RTM, and RTM: reduced noise in VTI/TTI modes with land geometries.
- Imaging: DUG Wave FWI: improved accuracy of velocity update in TTI mode where there are steep dips and strong anisotropy.
- Imaging: DUG Wave FWI: improved performance of reflectivity-only mode.
- Imaging: DUG Wave FWI: improved results and rate of convergence of vp/reflectivity and reflectivity-only modes.
- Preproc: Deblend: added support for a channel window size of 1.
- Preproc: Deblend: improved reporting of errors relating to shot times.
- Preproc: Deblend: an error message will now show when YEAR or DAY headers are zero.
- Processes: DUG Broad, Receiver Depth Scanner, and Re-datum Seismic Data - A Start Time option is added to support high-resolution data.
- Processes: Enhance Flat - improved results, particularly for small filter intercept values.
- Processes: Q filter - improved results near the water bottom when using ray-trace methods, particularly at large offsets.
- Views: DUG Wave QC - improved shot reading performance when applying a polygon trace chooser.