F-K Transform
This process performs a forward or reverse F-K transform, where F is the frequency and K is the wave-number. The F-K domain can separate several noise types, such as ground roll or seismic interference.
Use the F-K transform in conjunction with the Polygon Mute process. First, decompose the input into a series of dipping lines in F-K space, then suppress the noise by muting.
A forward F-K transform creates two "k" domain gather volumes: amplitude and phase.
Output records begin at 0 ms TWT, and will be at least as long as the input data.
Headers Modified:
- AFILS - The K wavenumber, when in K space
- MUTE, MUTS - Temporary storage when in K space; the original values of these headers will not be preserved through a forward/reverse transform.
Create F-K Transform process

- In the Control Panel, open the Process tab.
- At the tab header, click the Add icon and select New Process.
- Double-click F-K Transform.
- Type a name for the process and click OK.
- In the Details Panel, select an input gather Volume.
- By default, this process will perform a forward F-K transform. Select the Reverse check box to perform a reverse F-K transform.
The F-K Transform process works in conjunction with the polygon mute process (see Polygon Mute).

Create a Polygon Mute process (see Polygon Mute) and add new F-K Transform mute (orange polygon).

Now back-off the F-K Transform and look at the data with polygon mute applied in F-K domain.
Create a F-K Transform process and select reverse.

Compare the before and after result: