Defining Wiggle Settings
The Wiggle Settings section in class settings allows you to define how you want to display the volume data associated with a class in the wiggle mode.
Note: Make sure you have selected the Wiggle check box at Show in the Volume tab for the volume you want to display the wiggles.
Define wiggle settings of class
- In the Control Panel, open the Class tab.
- In the tree, select the class which you want to define the wiggle settings.
- Expand the Wiggles Settings section in the Details Panel. Define these settings:
Set the excursion value

- Excursion — Type the wiggle excursion value to display the traces amplitude. By default, it is set at "1.0". With higher excursion values, the traces will “bleed” together. See the following example:

Type the number of traces displayed per centimeter

- Traces/cm (0=all) — Type the number of traces to be displayed per centimeter. By default, it is set at "5.0". If you set a value of "0", then all traces will be displayed.
Flip the polarity for wiggles

Flip Polarity — Select this check box to flip the seismic polarity for wiggles display, that means negative peaks become positive and vice versa.
Tip: To flip the polarity of density display, you can invert the colourbar as described in Editing a Colourbar use volume maths to multiple the volume by -1 to change the polarity of data.
See the following example:

Set the over sample value

- Over sample — Type the over sample value that controls the smoothness of the wiggles. The lower the value, the more jagged the wiggles will appear. Be careful when over sampling the wiggles. A high over sampling value consumes a lot of system memory and can significantly slow the rendering process. Use a low over sampling value and switch to a higher one for final render and presentation generation.
The following examples show wiggles with different over sample values:

Define wiggle layout

- Fit to screen — Use the automatically set width.
- Set width — Type a width value (between 1 to 999) as the wiggle size in display.

Define the fill settings for wiggles

- Positive — Select a fill colour and/or fill settings style for the positive peaks. Five fill options are available; no fill, solid, proportional, horizontal and vertical. No fill means that only the wiggle traces will be displayed. Solid allows the wiggles to be filled with a single colour. The proportional option varies the strength of the chosen colour based on the amplitude of each wiggle. Low amplitude wiggles are displayed with a white fill and the colour intensifies as the amplitude increases. The horizontal and vertical fill options apply a gradational fill from white through to the chosen colour in a horizontal or vertical direction.
- Negative — Select a fill colour and/or fill settings style for the negative peaks. The same fill options for positive peaks applied.
The following examples show different fill options for positive peaks: