Using and Managing Sessions

When Insight launches, it begins with an empty session. As you open the subset of project data you require, and configure your views and other display settings, this state is recorded in your session.

Typically, you will create separate sessions for different parts of the workflow rather than load all the project data into a single session. In a multi-user environment, each user will maintain their session.

Sessions are autosaved every few minutes to avoid losing data due to a hardware failure or power outage.

Open a recent session

Open a recent session
  1. In the Control Panel, go to the File menu.
  2. Select Open Recent Session and the list of recently saved sessions in the current project will be displayed.
  3. Click the recent session that you want to open in Insight.

Open a session

Open a session
  1. In the Control Panel, go to the File menu.
  2. Click Open Session. The Open Session window will be displayed.
  3. Select the session file that you want to open and click Open.

If there are many sessions in the project database, you can filter the sessions by entering the Name, Owner and/or Notes of the session. Based on the search results, select the session you want to open.

Create a new session

Create a new session
  1. In the Control Panel, go to the File menu.
  2. Click New Session.  
  3. A session will be created in the project database when you save the session.

Note: If you have made changes to a session but have not saved the changes, the software will prompt you of unsaved changes when you want to create a new session or open another session. 

At the warning message, click Lose changes to lose all the changes you have made and proceed to create/opening another session. Otherwise, click Cancel and save the current session before you create a new session or open another session.

Save a session

Save a session
  1. In the Control Panel, go to the File menu.
  2. Click Save Current Session to save the current session to the project database. This will overwrite the current session. 
  3. If this is a new session, you will be prompted to type a session name and click OK.

Note: If you do not wish to overwrite the current session, click Save Session As. Type a new session name and click OK.

Manage sessions

Manage sessions

You can rename sessions saved in the project database and include any notes related to a session. 

  1. In the Control Panel, go to the File menu.
  2. Click Manage Sessions. The Manage Sessions window will be displayed. All the sessions in the project database will be shown in the table.
  3. Right-click a session, and select Edit Session
    • Alternatively, double-click the selected session. This will open the Edit Session Settings window.
  4. Type a new name for the session. By default, the session name is based on the name of the session file you have imported from the project directory.
  5. Type any comment or note about the session in the Notes section. 
  6. Click OK to close the Edit Session Settings window.

Delete sessions

Delete sessions

In addition, you can delete any session from the project database.

  1. In the Manage Sessions window, select a session, and then click Delete Session
  2. A confirmation window will be displayed to warn you of the consequences.
  3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion of the session or No to cancel the deletion.

Note: The Delete Session feature only deletes a session from the project database and does not delete any datasets. 

Recover Unsaved Sessions

Recover Unsaved Sessions

You can recover unsaved sessions that have been autosaved by the system in the project database and also delete unwanted autosaved sessions. 

  1. In the Control Panel, go to the File menu.
  2. Click Recover Unsaved Sessions. The Unsaved New Sessions window will be displayed. All the sessions in the project database will be shown in the table.
  3. Select a session and click Open Session
    • Alternatively, select Delete from Project to delete unwanted sessions from the project database. Click Close to close the window.

Note: There are instances where Insight is unable to autosave a session. This is most commonly caused by another Insight, which has connected to the project and then hung. Another possible cause is an IT issue with your connection to the project database or file system. If the problem persists for more than fifteen minutes, a warning message will be prompted. To avoid data loss, all users on the project should export any products changed since the last autosave and then restart Insight. Upon restart, open the autosaved session and save it.