K Filter
K Filter is a spatial anti-aliasing filter for use prior to spatial downsampling (with Header and Trace Interpolation). It applies a mute in F-K space, muting K values larger than the new Nyquist following downsampling, with an adjustable taper.
Best practice is to spatially de-alias the data using F-X interpolation (with Header and Trace Interpolation) prior to K filtering and downsampling.
- In the Control Panel, open the Process tab.
- At the tab header, click the Add icon and select New Process.
- Scroll down and double-click on K Filter.
- Type a name for the process and click OK.
Configuring K Filter

- Volume: Select the input volume.
- Stop Wavenumber (as a percentage of spatial Nyquist): Lowers the amplitude of high wavenumbers. At the specified percentage of spatial Nyquist, only 5% of the amplitude is passed through. This process acts similarly to the "stop frequency" of time-based low-pass filters.
Filter Shape: Controls the shape of the filter with the following options:
- Blackman-Harris: Activates the Taper Width (as a percent of spatial Nyquist) parameter, which controls the width of the taper as a percentage of the downsampled K range. For instance, if the downsampled K range is [-1000, 1000] then a taper of 15% will taper in the ranges [-1000, -850] and [850, 1000].
- Butterworth: Activates the Butterworth Slope (dB/octave) parameter, which is the slope in decibels per octave of the Butterworth filter to use.
- Bessel: Activates the Bessel Order parameter, which determines the order of the Bessel filter to use (that is, the degree of the modified Bessel polynomial that determines the filter).
- Output type: "Filtered Output" or "Removed Noise".