Structural Curvature for Horizons
Insight can calculate the structural curvature for a horizon (using horizon properties), or volumetric curvature based upon a dip field (using a Curvature process).
Read more about Insight's concept on curvatures at Structural Curvature (Fundamentals).
Curvature extracted on a horizon

- Open Map View via Control Panel >> View >> New Map View.
- Select the volume and horizon in Map View (see Horizons to create/add/import horizons).
- Click on Property.
Select the appropriate curvature attributes for the horizon:
- Max Curvature: Calculate the highest magnitude curvature for each surface point.
- Min Curvature: Calculate the curvature perpendicular to the max curvature.
- Most Negative Curvature: Show the most negative curvature value for each point.
- Most Positive Curvature: Show the most positive curvature value for each point.
- Dip Curvature: Calculate the curvature in the direction of maximum dip.
- Strike Curvature: Show the curvature perpendicular to the direction of maximum dip.
Shape Curvature: the shape described by the curvature in the range [-1, +1], where:
- +1 describes a dome
- +0.5 describes a ridge
- 0 describes a flat plane or a saddle
- -0.5 describes a channel
- -1 describes a bowl
- Once extracted, use the "save horizon as property" option to save the curvature attribute (right click on horizon with curvature attribute displayed>>select save horizon as custom property)