Creating Fluid Composite

In the Fluids tab, the individual fluids loaded from a trend file can be viewed and composite fluids can be added. 

Fluid composite refers to a mixture of fluid. You can create a composite fluid that consists of two unique fluids. Thus it is possible to accommodate geological scenarios where it is unlikely for any particular fluid to have a 100% saturation. For example, instead of using 100% gas, a composite fluid of 80% gas and 20% brine can be used. 

  1. Under the Composite Fluids section, click the + (New Composite Fluid) button.
  2. In Fluid A and Fluid B fields, select the fluids to create a composite from.
  3. Click the Mixer drop-down arrow to see the available options. Reuss is selected by default. Other options may be applicable in creating a composite.
  4. Fluid B saturation is the percentage of Fluid B in the composite of Fluid A and Fluid B, which must be defined in the Saturation B V/V field. Once Fluid B saturation has been defined, the remaining percentage of the fluid is automatically assigned to Fluid A. In the Saturation B V/V input box, enter a value to show the saturation of the composite (e.g. 0 = 0%, 0.5 = 50%, 1 = 100%).
  5. Optionally, enter a value for the standard deviation (±) input box.