Exporting an Arbline
Arbline point coordinates can be exported to text files with the .duarb extension.
Arblines can also be converted to 2D lines. This is necessary to export volumes along arblines to SEG-Y or dugio. Read about Exporting volumes along an arbline.
Exporting arbline coordinates

- In the Control Panel, open the Arbline tab.
- In the Arbline tree, right-click the arbline that you want to export and click Export and select 'Arbline'.
- Type a new file name to export the arbline to the .duarb file format.
Note: Only the X and Y points of the arbline are saved in this file and not the trace data. To save the trace data, see below.
Convert arbline(s) to 2D lines
One or more arblines can be converted to 2D lines. After conversion, volumes can be exported along the 2D line as dugio or SEG-Y. See (Exporting 3D voulmes along an arbline) for details.

- In the Arbline tab, select the arbline(s) you wish to convert, then right click and choose Export >> Convert arbline to 2D line.
- Choose either to add the converted line(s) to a New Survey or add them to an Existing Survey.
- Enter a new survey name e.g. "Converted arblines" and set the trace (CMP) spacing.
- Click OK.
- The converted arbline will be added to the specified 2D survey as a 2D line. The survey can be found in the Survey tab.
Exporting 3D volumes along an arbline

- First, convert the arbline(s) to 2D lines (see Convert arbline(s) to 2D lines).
- Then go to the Volume tab, right-click on the data volume and select Export.
- Select the export format: SEG-Y or dugio.
- In Survey Extents, select the converted arbline survey.
- Check Set ensemble X/Y from survey to assign X/Y coordinates to the output.
- Click OK.
Note: Exporting along an arbline will work for 3D volumes only. Contact [email protected] for details on how to apply this to 2D volumes.