Create Episode for RMO picking
Episodes function as folders in the Imaging tree and contain the RMO picks. The prefix is used as a DUG's internal naming rule, in which users are required to name their directories (hence their episodes) sequentially. This way, you will be clear in exactly what order things were done as a typical imaging workflow involves multiple iterations of picking/tomography/migration.
All data for a specific episode will be kept in your project folder in the Imaging/episode_name/ directory under which sub-directories are created for RMO picks, migration, tomography and models.
Adding an Episode

- In the Control Panel, open the Imaging tab.
- Click the blue “+” icon and select New Episode.
- The Create Episode window will be displayed.

- Type an episode Name.
- Click OK.
- A new episode will be displayed in the Imaging tree in the Control Panel.
New RMO Picks

- In the Control Panel, open the Imaging tab.
- Select an Episode.
- Under the Details Panel, click New RMO Picks.

- Alternatively, click the blue “+” icon in the Imaging tab, and select New RMO.
- Select the episode and click Select.
- The Configure RMO Picking window will appear.

- RMO Name: Type a name for the RMO picks.
- Click the Shared check box if you want to make it visible to other users.
Offset Gathers: Select the gather volume to be used for the RMO picking. Both 2D and 3D gathers are supported.
- For 2D gather, only CMP gather can be selected for picking.
- Type: select the type of RMO picking.
- Click OK to confirm.
- A new RMO item will be available as part of the episode in the Imaging tree.
Tip: To rename the episode, double click on the episode in the Imaging tree. The Edit Episode window will be displayed. Type a new name for the episode and click OK. You will not be able to change the Episode type.