Curve Maths (Simple)
Calculate a new well curve by applying a simple operation (+, -, *, ) to one or two curves.

- In the Control Panel, go to View > New Single Well View.
- In the Single Well window, open the Process tab.
- At the tab header, click the blue "+" icon.
- Click on Curve Maths (Simple).
- Type a name for the process and click OK.
Configure the curve maths (simple)

- Enable custom name: Select to customise the generated curve name.
- Class: Choose a display class (data type) for the result.
- Unit: Choose the units of the result.
Note: The resulting curve has the same domain (TWT, MD, MDKB) and extent (start, end and increment) as the first selected curve (Curve 1).

- Curve 1, Curve 2: Select curve 1 (C1) & curve 2 (C2) for the calculation.
- Constant: Add this value to the result.
- Multiplier (scale) for Curve 1: Multiply Curve 1 values by this amount.
- + curve: Add Curve 1 values to Curve 2 (C1 + C2).
- - curve: Subtract Curve 2 values from Curve 1 (C1 - C2).
- x curve: Multiply values from Curve 1 by Curve 2 (C1 x C2).
- ÷ curve: Divide values from Curve 1 by Curve 2 (C1 ÷ C2).
- ÷ value: Divide values from Curve 1 by a constant (C1 ÷ Constant).
- Multiplier (scale) for Curve 2: Multiply Curve 2 values by this amount.
Note: Multipliers (scales) are applied to the curves before the selected operation is performed.
Missing / Invalid values: Choose what to do when values for an input curve are outside the available log extent or are Null / Invalid. This rule is applied when calculating each sample:
Value is 0:
- Use the value 0 in the calculation for missing / invalid curve values.
- Output zero if the result is invalid.
Output is Null:
- Output null (empty value) if the value of any curve is invalid.
- Output null (empty value) if the result is invalid.
Output is 0:
- Output zero if the value of any curve is invalid.
- Output zero if the result is invalid.
Value is 0:

- Formula: A display of the final formula with the values used for the calculation.