Partial Binning/Stacking
This process takes a gather volume as input and produces an output gather volume with records formed by binning traces to a given header sequence and stacking them, optionally adjusting for NMO and statics.
For the stacking header, any header can be chosen except headers associated with the dimensions of the volume (excluding gather dimension), e.g. the INLINE/CROSSLINE headers for a 3D volume.
If stacking on offset then an offset volume is produced; if stacking a 2D CMP volume on HCS then a CMP/CDPIndex volume is produced; otherwise a bin-count volume is produced.
Irrespective of the chosen Stacking Mode, each output trace takes its headers from the input trace nearest the bin centre. This does *not* include NHS and the stacking header, which are set to the number of stacked traces in the bin and the bin centre respectively.
When stacking the traces in each bin, other traces are optionally shifted vertically to align with the trace nearest the bin centre prior to stacking into it:
- If a statics header is provided, traces are shifted based on the difference between their header values, interpreted as times/depths based on the provided scale.
- If velocity is provided, traces are shifted based on differential 4th-order isotropic NMO correction.
- In the Control Panel, open the Process tab.
- At the tab header, click the Add icon and select New Process.
- Scroll down and double-click on Minimum Phase.
- Type a name for the process and click OK.
Configuring Partial Stacking

- Volume: Select the input volume.
- Stacking Header: The header on which we bin traces.
- Stacking Sequence: The header sequence to bin to.
Stacking Mode: How to stack the traces in an output bin:
- Nearest to Bin Centre: Keep the nearest trace to the bin centre, discarding the rest.
- Standard: (Σ x) / n
- Root N: (Σ x) / √ n
- Square of sum of square roots: Σ (√ x)2 / n
- Statics Header: Header (interpreted based on the provided scale) used to vertically align traces.
- Velocity: Constant velocity or velocity volume used to perform differential NMO correction.