Using Multiple Well Crossplots
Cross-plotting curves from wells can identify relationships in well data.
Tip: The cursor is linked between well views and well crossplots. When moving the cursor in a well view, the crossplot cursor moves to the corresponding crossplot coordinates.
Note: Well curves can only be crossplotted against other well curves. Contact [email protected] to express your interest in crossplotting wells against other data.
Creating the crossplot
- Open an existing crossplot or create a new one.
- Open the Data tab.
- Configure the Horizontal and Vertical Data Sets:
- Data Type: Well Curve
- Data Source: Choose the curve class for each axis
Adding and configuring wells
- In the Wells section, click the blue + icon to add a well.
- Green/yellow circle: Include/exclude values from a well
- Well column: Select the well
- X axis: Select the horizontal curve for this well
- Y axis: Select the vertical curve for this well
- Red x: Remove well
- Set Start and Stop to choose an interval to crossplot
Start and Stop locations:
- Top of Well: The shallowest well position
- TD of Well: The deepest well position
- Depth: A single depth value (MDKB, TVDSS, TVDBML)
- Horizon: Choose a horizon (with optional offset)
- Marker: Choose a marker (with optional offset)
- Data Range: The interval used to select values is shown in MD.
Note: Yellow highlight indicates the setting is incomplete, make sure the value is complete or valid.
Colouring points by another curve
When crossplotting wells, use a third curve to colour the points.
- Configure a well crossplot.
- Set Plot Type to Point by Point.
- Colour Data Set is shown.
- Data Type: Well Curve.
- Data Source: Choose the curve class for the colour data.
- At each well, a third curve selector is added to the wells.
Colouring points by well
When crossplotting wells, use Well ID to identify the source of data points.
- Configure a well crossplot.
- Set Plot Type to Point by Point.
- Colour Data Set is shown.
- Data Type: Well Curve.
- Data Source: Choose the class Well ID.
- At each well, a third curve selector is added to the wells.
- Select the curve Well ID.
Tip: Well ID can also be used for horizontal and vertical axis data.