Markers and Horizons in Well Displays
Use the Markers section for each track to configure well markers or horizon annotations.
Template / Display Tab
The template controls the marker display settings for all markers in the view. Use these settings in the Template or Display Tab of the Well Correlation or Single Well View.

- Marker line thickness: Set the thickness of well marker line annotations.
- Use marker colour for labels: If enabled, each marker is drawn using its own colour. (See Using the Well Markers Table for details on updating individual colours)
Tracks Tab

- Show marker lines: Display lines at well or horizon markers
- Show names: Display name labels at well or horizon markers
- On top: Lines and labels are displayed above other items in the track
- Well markers: Include annotations for well markers (tops)
- Horizon markers: Include annotations for horizons
- Show Crossplot Highlight: Highlight points from the crossplot polygons in the tracks panel at their respective depths.
Well Connection Track (Well Correlation)
The Well Connection track behaves differently to other tracks.

- Show marker lines: Include well marker lines between the two neighbouring wells