Curve Extrapolator
Extrapolates the well curve to the top and base of the model.

- In the Control Panel, go to View > New Single Well View.
- In the Single Well window, open the Process tab.
- At the tab header, click the blue "+" icon.
- Click on Curve Extrapolator (One Curve).
- Type a name for the process and click OK.
Configure the curve extrapolator

- Curve: Select a well curve.
Missing / Invalid Values: Choose the action when input variables are unavailable, null or invalid prior to filtering. This rule is applied when calculating each sample:
- Interpolate: Interpolate missing values using the class interpolation setting.
Output is Null:
- Output null (empty value) if the value of any curve is invalid.
- Output null (empty value) if the result is invalid.
Output is 0:
- Output zero if the value of any curve is invalid.
- Output zero if the result is invalid.

- Windowing model: Select an existing windowing model (see Creating a Windowing Model).
Extrapolation method: Select different extrapolation method for different windows.
- Formula: A constant number or a user defined formula such as V0+K.
- Linear: Calculates a linear function based on the first and last point of the log curve in a window. If only 1 point is available, the value is extrapolated.
- Volume: Where a log curve is not available, takes the value from the volume. Only a volume in the same domain as the output extent is accepted.
- Horizon: Where a log curve is not available, takes the horizon property value.

- By default, the output curve name uses the following values: extrap: Curve Class Process Name.
- For example: extrap: P Velocity Curve Extrapolator.
- Enable custom name: Allow the user to define the process output curve name.
Extent: Output can be in MDKB, TWT or TVDSS domain.
- On the fly (Run time) curve uses Checkshot velocity is used for domain conversion.
- Enter the start, stop and step size.
- Reset: automatically set the start and stop values to match the input curve.