Phase Rotation
The Phase Rotation process applies a phase rotation to volumes.
Phase rotation of values other than 0 or 180 degrees is computationally-intensive. The resulting output volume may be very slow to use, particularly when viewing time-slices and amplitude extractions. To avoid performance issues, export the result volume to dugio format (see Exporting a Volume to DUG I/O) and use it instead.
Create a phase rotation process

- In the Control Panel, open the Process tab.
- At the tab header, click the Add icon and select New Process.
- Scroll down and double-click on Phase Rotation.
- Type a name for the process and click OK.
Phase Rotation settings

- Volume: Select a volume to phase rotate.
Note: You cannot apply phase rotation on a depth volume. Instead, first convert the volume to time (TWT) domain using the Volume Resampling process or export the volume to time domain as described in Exporting a Volume to DUG I/O.
The amount of phase rotation can be constant, or vary according to values in a trace header.

- Constant mode: A single phase rotation is applied to the entire volume
- Degrees: The amount of phase rotation to apply

- Trace Header mode: The rotation value to apply is read from a trace header.
- Degrees: Select the header to read for the phase value, with optional scaling and offset.
- A new phase rotation volume is available in the Volume tab.