Output and Writing Options (2D SEG-Y)
You can now import the 2D data from the SEG-Y files and save it as a .dugio volume file. As requirements, you should define the output file and configure the writing options. Upon successful loading, Insight will add the output dugio volumes to the project database automatically.
Tip: Data loading is a disk-intensive operation. It depends very much on how fast data reading and writing can go. If you are working in a less reliable network environment, consider loading data on a local disk. Loading data from/to a local disk often results in better and more reliable performance than a network disk. Once data loading is completed, you can copy the data to the network disk.
Specify an output file
- Output Filename — Click the Select File folder icon to create a file (.dugio extension) to store the traces. Type the new file name and click Save.
- Class (Data Type) — Select a class for the volume. The selected class will be used to display the volume when loaded in Insight. However, you can still change the class of the volume in Insight (see Changing a Volume's Class).
Define the horizontal sampling
- Sampling — The table in the centre of the window allows you to configure the desired horizontal sampling. You can configure this for each 2D line. Click Reset Values to reset the sampling values based on the results from the Analysis step. The values usually represent the actual horizontal sampling in the SEG-Y files. If you want a coarser sampling of the data, you can increase the Step value. Take note that the step size must be a multiple of its original spacing as the SEG-Y Loader will not interpolate missing traces.
Tip: To load a subset of the data, go back to the Filters step (see Filtering 2D Data).
Define the writing options
The Advanced pane allows you to change the compression settings for the main volume, write cache size and CMP tile size.
- Main volume compression — By default, this is set at 16-bit. At this setting, the fixed-size compression ratio will be around 1.5:1 which translates to an output file that is around 60% the size of the input SEG-Y. Meanwhile, an 8-bit compression will give a fixed-size compression ratio of around 3:1, which translates to an output file that is around 33% the size of the input SEG-Y. This is the default mode for optimised volumes that are used only for display and not for re-exporting.
- Write cache size — Usually, you do not need to change this value. Cache is needed to do the re-sorting of traces so that they could be read faster in normal operation. When you click Next, the SEG-Y Loader will estimate the amount of memory needed to load the volume and will suggest a bigger size if needed.
- CMP Tile Size — Usually, you do not need to change this value. The tile size affects the layout of the data on disk.
When you are satisfied with the settings, click Next to start the writing process.
Genuine offer of assistance
DUG understands that importing SEG-Y data can be a confusing task.
Whether you are using a trial version or a fully-paid licence, we will help you to import your data to Insight so that you will get the maximum out of your data.
For more information, contact support at [email protected].