Copying a Horizon
Insight allows you to quickly and easily copy an existing horizon. This is useful when you need to edit a horizon which you do not own or edit a horizon in another copy without changing the original horizon. There are several ways to copy a horizon.
Copy a horizon in the horizon context menu

- In the Control Panel, open the Horizon tab.
- In the Horizon tree, right-click the horizon that you want to duplicate.
- Click Create Copy.
A new horizon with the label Horizon (Copy) will be available in the tree.

Copy a horizon during attempt to edit a horizon which you are not an owner

When you want to edit a horizon which you do not own (hence, no editing rights), you can choose to make a copy of the horizon instead.
- Load a horizon or add a horizon (that is not owned by you) into your project.
- Edit the horizon. For example, erase part of the horizon as described in Erasing a Horizon. The Unmodifiable Horizon window will be displayed.
- Click Make a Copy.
A new horizon with the label Horizon (Copy) will be available in the tree.