Volume and Display Interpolation Methods
The Interpolation method controls how values are obtained when interpolating between samples, for example when performing an amplitude extraction or displaying a horizontal slice through a volume.
Changing the Interpolation Mode

- In the Control Panel, select the Class tab (see Creating a Class).
- In the tree, select a class to open the Details Panel.
- Use Sample interpretation to control whether samples are treated as point values (Instantaneous) or as interval values (Top-posted interval).
- The Vertical interpolation method controls how values are obtained when interpolating between samples, for example when performing an amplitude extraction or displaying a horizontal slice through a volume. Click the lock icon to enable this option.
- Interval (Smooth)
- Interval (Blocky)
- Edge Detecting: Use this for blocky data, such as impedance volumes.
- Lagrangian: Use this for smoothly varying data, but not velocities.
- Linear: Use this for ZT and TZ velocity volumes.
- Sinc: Use this for seismic data.
- Nearest: Use this for integer volumes, such as "most likely LID", and interval velocities.
- Most Likely: Use this for Lithofluid Probability volumes.
- Vertical interpolation method Nearest is only available for Sample interpretation: Instantaneous.
- Vertical interpolation method Interval is only available for Sample interpretation: Top Posted interval.
- Classes that have the default sample interpolation set to Top-posted interval will have the default vertical interpolation method set to Interval (Smooth). Users still can change these default values to their preferred settings before saving the session.
Interpolate pixels for display:
- If checked, display interpolation is consistent with the selected vertical interpolation method. If unchecked, display interpolation is nearest.
- Nearest, Lagrangian and Sinc all use Bicubic for display interpolation.
- The option will be automatically disabled for the Most Likely interpolation method.
- Use the Opacity slider to adjust the opacity of the colourbar when displaying data in a group.
- Use the Line control to adjust the colour and thickness of lines for wiggles and track views.