Displaying Horizon Histograms
From horizon tab

- Go to the Horizons tab and select a horizon.
- Expand the Display/Histogram section in the Details Panel.
- Select the Histogram type and click Create.
- A pop-up window with the histogram showing the selected distribution will be displayed.
From map view

- Go to Control Panel > Map view.
- Select the desired horizon from the Horizon box at the top navigation bar.
- Right click on the map view and select Histogram for "horizon_name".

- Capture image: Click to capture an image of the histogram (see Taking Screen Captures).
- Histogram bins: The number of bins to use when counting the data points
- 3D effect: Add a 3D shadow to the bars
- Use class range: Use the min and max values from the horizon data class
- Class Button: Click to show the Edit Class window (see Editing a Class)
- Include all points: When checked, points below the range are included in the first bin, and points above the range are included in the last bin. If unchecked, these points are ignored.
- Min/Max value: Enter the minimum and maximum bin values for the histogram.
- Adjust button: Set the min/max to the smallest/largest data points respectively.