Attribute Maps
Create attributes maps by retrieving from the header or calculated from the samples. It can be saved as a header, viewed as an attribute volume or use in surface-consistent processes.
- In the Control Panel, open the Process tab.
- At the tab header, click the Add icon and select New Process.
- Scroll down and double-click on Attribute Maps.
- Type a name for the process and click OK.
Configuring Attribute Maps

- Volume: Select the input volume.
Attribute source:
- Calculate from Samples: Calculates an attribute over one or more vertical windows, outputting to the specified headers and/or a separate attribute map volume for use with the Attribute Map View or surface-consistent processing.
- From Headers: Produces an attribute map volume with one or more attributes pulled from headers for use with the Attribute Map View.
When used in workflows, an attribute map volume is output separately and not passed on to subsequent processes. The input volume can be passed through unchanged using the Also produce Process Output option, or attribute values can be used in subsequent processing by storing them in an Output Header.
Important: attribute map volumes are a special type of volume and don't support normal compression modes.
- Set Headers in Process Output: Store attributes in headers in the process output volume, without producing a separate attribute map volume.
- For Attribute Map View: Output an attribute map volume optimised for viewing.
- For Surface-Consistent Processing: Output a volume that can be used as input to surface-consistent processing.
- None (Attribute Map volume ONLY): Only an attribute map volume is produced. There can be no subsequent processes in a workflow.
- Also produce Process Output: In addition to the attribute map volume, the input volume is passed through to the remainder of the workflow. Use Output Header to optionally store attribute values in the headers of this volume.
- Simple Average: Arithmetic average of values within the window
- Mode: Most frequent value of the samples within the window
- RMS: Root-mean-square (quadratic mean) of the values within the window
- Peak: Largest Peak value in the window. Note: A Peak requires that the signal actually change direction within the window
- Maximum: Largest positive value in the window
- Trough: Largest Trough value in the window. Note: A Trough requires that the signal actually change direction within the window
- Minimum: Largest negative value in the window
- Magnitude: The magnitude properties separately calculate the peak and trough versions of the property and return the largest of the absolute values of the two.
- Attribute (time/depth): Z value of named attribute
Windowing Mode
- Whole trace: A single attribute is calculated from each whole trace
- Windowed: One or more attributes are calculated over specified vertical windows
- Output Header: Header to optionally set to the attribute value, scaled and shifted by the given values.
Viewing the Attribute Maps
- In the Control Panel, go to View menu > Attribute Map.
- Select the Attribute Volume.
- Select the Window/Attribute.
- In the Control Panel, click the Volume tab.
- Right click the Attribute Volume.
- Select Show in View > Attribute Map.
Note: Use CTRL + R to flip the view on the horizontal axis.
- Attribute Volume: Select the attribute volume to view.
- Line (for 2D stack volume): Select the 2D line to display.
- Window/Attribute: Select the window added in the attribute section of the attribute map process to view.
- Class: Use a different class or the default. Set the minimum to maximum value range - the “clip” values or use the minimum / maximum values from the selected class.
- Bins: Set the numbers of histogram class intervals. For example, with the default value of 20, there are 20 histogram intervals in the graph.
- Attribute Axis: Enter the horizontal axis values (attributes) for the histogram
- Bin-count Axis: Enter the vertical axis values (bin-count) for the histogram
- Attribute axis range from class settings: Use the minimum and maximum values from the data class
- Zoom In/Out: Use the mouse scroll-wheel on the histogram or map section to zoom in and out.