Using Well Processes
Well process is available in the Single Well View. Well processes correlate with the selected well in the view. Use the export/import from file function to select processes from another well.
Add a well process
- In the Control Panel, open View > Single Well View.
- Select the intended well.
- Click the Process tab.
- Click the blue “+” icon and select the process.
Managing well processes
Right-click on a blank area of the process section and a menu option will appear.
- Show my processes only: Display only processes created in this user's session.
- Show all processes: Display created and imported processes.
- Sort all: Alphabetically sort all processes.
- New folder: Create a folder in the process panel. Existing process can be drag-and-drop into the folder.
- Import from file: Load exported well process to view.
Right-click on a process and a menu option will appear.
- Open the output curve [well process]
- Save output curve(s): Save result as well curve.
- Export to file: Save the well process as .dugcp or .txt file.
- Configure: Access the configuration window.
- Remove from session: Remove selected process from the current user session
- Sort selected items: Alphabetically sort selected processes (for multiple processes).
- New folder: Create a folder in the process panel. Existing process can be drag-and-drop into the folder.
- Import from file: Load exported well process to view.
- Find: Search process in the list.
- Copy ‘process_name’: Create a duplicate of the process.
- Share ‘process_name’: Share process with other session users.
- Relinquish Ownership of ‘process_name’: Remove ownership of the process for the current session user. For info about ownership, see Multi-user Considerations.
- Delete from project: Remove process from the project.
Save well process as curve
- Right-click on a process and select Save output curve(s).
- In the Save Curves window, click the checkbox of the well process(es) to save.
- Select the destination curve or type a New set name.
Tip: Click the warning icon to see issue(s) that stopped the curve(s) from saving.
Add a well process to track
- Once process parameters are entered correctly, right-click on the process and select Open the output curve "curve name".
- The curve is now available in the Curves tab under the class used in the process.
Load well processes
- In the Process tab, click the blue “+” icon.
- Select Load Processes already in the project... [Ctrl + L]. This will display the Add Processes to Session window.
- The list of well processes in the project database will be displayed in the Add Process to Session window. Search for the well processes to be added in the session by typing the Name, Owner or Notes of the horizons.
- Select the Only show shared items check box to display only the processes that are shared (see Searching and Sharing). By default, this is selected.
- Select one or more well processes to add to the session.
- CTRL +click: select multiple individual items.
- SHIFT + click: Select a range of items.
- Click Add to Session.
Import a well process from file
- In the Process tab, click the blue “+” icon.
- Select Import from file. This will display the Import Well Process window.
- Select the well process curves file to import and click Open. They will be added to the project database and the current session.