Adding Wells (to session)
Once wells have been added to a project (see Importing Wells), they can be loaded into a session.
Searching for wells

- In the Control Panel, open the Well tab.
- Click the blue "+" icon and select Load Wells already in the project.
- The Add Wells to Session window will load.
Note: Well(s) already in the session will not appear in the Add Wells to Session list.
Add wells to a session

- Select a well or multiple wells to be added.
- CTRL + A: select all wells.
- CTRL + left mouse button: select multiple individual wells.
- Shift + left mouse button: select a range of wells.
- The list of wells can be filtered by Name, Owner, and Notes
- Use special character "%" to simplify and/or filter the search result.
- Select wells by Location (using a polygon or a probe).
- Choose a polygon or probe that surrounds the well top-hole locations
- To only show wells that are owned by you, or marked as shared, select the Only show shared items (see Multi-user Considerations).
- Click Add to Session.
- Selected well(s) will be added in the Well tab in the Control Panel.
Note: In older projects, Insight may require compacting the database before the Location can be used (see Compact Project Database).