Using the IL/Gather/CL View
In this view, the central gather panel shows the gather at the intersection of the currently displayed inline and crossline.

- From the View menu in the Control Panel, select the IL/Gather/CL View.
- At the navigation bar of the view, select the time/depth parameter (TWT or TVDSS) and the IL/CL location to display.
- At Gath Vol, select the gather volume to display in the middle panel (red boxes in the image).
- At Vol, select the volume to view the trace at that location (blue boxes in the image).
- The navigation controls at the top of the window function similarly to other section views (see Navigation Bar in Views).
To add a scale bar and a volume colourbar in the view, right click anywhere and select View Settings. To adjust the scale settings in the view, right click and select Scale Settings.
- If you select offset gathers in the IL/CL Vol selector AND the gather selector, Insight will display a single offset plane through the gathers.
- All of the display screens are linked, so you can also drag the IL/CL markers in the Map View to update the IL/Gather/CL View. Likewise, from the IL/Gather/CL View, you can adjust the selected depth marker and the Map View and 3D View will update automatically.