Displaying Images as Map Slices
There are two ways to import map image data and culture files:
- To a culture layer overlaid on a Map, or
- To an image layer, shown at a specific time slice or selected section
For more information on how to import to a culture layer, refer to Importing Culture Files.
Importing to a time/depth slice

- In the Map View, enable the time slice button on the navigation bar.
- Choose the slice for the image.
- Select the domain (TWT or TVD).
- Enter the time or depth value. In this example, the image is displayed when viewing 2000 ms.
- Right-click in the view panel, and select Import culture.
- Select the image file to import (see Supported Formats). The supported image formats are png, jpg, gif, bmp, tif, and tiff.
- The image properties window will pop-up.
Configuring the image properties

To be positioned and scaled correctly in the map view, the image coordinates (in pixels) must be related to map coordinates (in UTM X/Y). Three tie points are required:
- The default tie point 1 is the top left pixel 0, 0.
- The default tie point 2 is the bottom left pixel 0, Y.
- The default tie point 3 is the top right is pixel X, 0.
- To adjust the tie points:
- Drag the image to the desired X/Y locations; or
- Type the desired values directly in the Pixel X, Pixel Y, X and Y columns or click the pencil icon to click on the exact location. Insight will update the Pixel X, Pixel Y, X and Y columns based on the cursor location.
Note: For each pixel tie point, assign a valid X&Y location. Unless you know the pixel location of a specific feature within the image, it is best to use the default corner point pixels.
- To finish editing:
- Click the “X” in the top right corner of the window, or
- Press the Escape key
The imported image is now listed in the Culture tab of the Control Panel.
Adjusting the image after import
After importing or loading the image in the session, the image is listed in the Culture tab of the Control Panel.
- To rename the culture:
- Right-click and select Configure
- Tie points can be edited by
- Directly changing the displayed fields (edit Pixel X, Pixel Y and XY directly in the table manually)
- Clicking the pencil icon and selecting any point on the Map Table will auto-update
- Right-click the image in the map view, and choose Adjust "image_name".
- When editing is enabled
- Move the image by dragging
- Stretch and skew by dragging the corner handles
- To finish editing, do either one of the following:
- Click the top right “X”.
- Press the Esc key.
- Right-click in the View panel, and choose Stop Adjusting "image_name".
Loading culture images

- In the Control Panel, open the Culture tab.
- Click the Add icon at the top right and select Load Cultures already in the project...
- The Add Cultures to Session window will appear.
- Select one or more culture image, then click Add to Session.
- Text filter section
- Search by Name, Owner, or Notes
- Enter search text in the field
- Use the special character '%' as a wildcard, see Filtering search items.
Culture image list
- The image that match the search filters
Notes area
- The stored notes for the currently selected culture images
- Only shared items: Only show volumes marked as Shared
Actions area
- Add to Session: add the selected volume(s) to the session
- Delete from project: delete the selected volume(s) from the project (after confirmation)
- Cancel: close the Add Cultures to Session window
Removing culture images

To remove an image:
- Right-click the image and click Delete "image_name"; or
- Right click the image in the Culture tab and select Delete "image_name" from project.
- Remove the image from the session only by right clicking and selecting “Remove from session”