Export Options

Curve export

All generated curves can be exported as LAS format, from the Pore Pressure tab, under Export LAS.

Export options

It will export the defined Window of Interest. This is primarily defined in the View tab, Default Window Of Interest section, with two exceptions:

  • if there is an Override Window of Interest set and activated for any well under the Well Settings tab, or
  • if Use Display Window is set under the View tab.

Either All Wells or Current Well may be exported, at the desired Sample Interval (m). LAS files are exported to the chosen folder, with suffix _PorePressure.las. Figure 40 illustrates the flow to batch-export all LAS files of all wells (one file per well) with all generated curves.

Note: The Calculation Sample Interval (m) is purely for the on-screen curve display resolution.

Export options

Exported curves

All computed curves are exported even if curve or track is not enabled for display. For example, the fracture gradient curve, even though not switched on, will be exported. Only when a curve becomes invalid will it not be exported.

(See Troubleshooting section for typical reasons why a curve may become invalid. For example, PPP using OBP from an invalid density volume; or OSCTL curve where shale indicator has not been picked.)

An example of the LAS format is shown in Figure 41.

Note: LAS files are exported in TVDSS. Pore pressure units are all PSI, pore pressure gradient in Pounds Per Gallon (PPG).

Exported curves