Autosave in Insight
All modifications are autosaved every 5 minutes if you are working in a named session. If you have created a new session that has never been saved, it will not begin to autosave until you save that session for the first time and give it a name. Only one autosave is available per session as each new autosave overwrites the previous one. As soon as the session is manually saved on closing, the last autosave is discarded.
Autosaved session

Insight will only keep autosaves if it is closed unexpectedly (e.g. Insight crashes). These are preserved in case there are some useful information, and can be easily retrieved the next time the user opens the session. The user can select the autosaved session and continue working as normal.
The available list of autosaves will remain until the session is manually saved or it has been cleared by the user. The list can be cleared by selecting the Delete auto-saves older than option at the bottom right. For steps to recover or delete an autosaved session, refer to Recover Unsaved Sessions.