Redefining Volume's Survey
In cases where a volume is imported using the wrong survey, this feature allows you to move the volume to its intended survey.
The ability to redefine a volume's survey is only available if:
- it is a 3D volume
- you have more than one survey in your session
you are the owner of the volume.
To take ownership, right click on the volume and select Take Ownership (see Multi-user Considerations).
If these prerequisites are not met, the Redefine Volume's Survey section of the Configure Volume window will not be visible.
Note: This is NOT the right way to resample a correctly-imported volume onto a different survey. To do that, or if you just want to change the IL/CL numbers assigned to it, export the volume onto a desired survey (see Exporting a Volume). This feature is only to fix import mistakes.
Shift volume to a new location

- In the Control Panel, open the Volume tab.
- Select a volume which you want to move to another survey.
- Double-click the selected volume or right-click the volume and select Configure 'Volume'. The Configure Volume window will be displayed.
- In the Redefine Volume's Survey section, select a New Survey for your volume.
- Click Move Volume. The warning box below will appear.

- Click Yes to confirm the change of survey.

- Once Insight has successfully moved the volume to the new survey, a session reload is required for the changes to take effect.
- Click Save and Reload Session to save and restart the current session. If you have not selected a session earlier, Insight will prompt you to type a name for the session.
- When the session is reloaded, the volume will be on the new survey.