Curve Maths
Calculate a new well curve using an arbitrary expression with a variety of input values.

- In the Control Panel, go to View > New Single Well View.
- In the Single Well window, open the Process tab.
- At the tab header, click the blue "+" icon.
- Click on Curve Maths.
- Type a name for the process and click OK.
Configure the curve maths

- Enable custom name: Select to customise the generated curve name.
- Class: Choose a display class (data type) for the result.
- Unit: Choose the units of the result.
Extent: choose the output domain, and the first, last and increment .
- Reset: Update the extent to match the first selected curv

- Formula: Enter the expression to calculate. The calculation is performed for each output value in the result curve. Curve Maths uses the same expression evaluator as Volume Maths and Horizon Maths. Many functions and additional inputs are supported (see Functions and Variables for Math Expressions).
Missing/Invalid Values: Choose what to do when values for an input curve are outside the available log extent or are Null / Invalid. This rule is applied when calculating each sample:
Value is 0:
- Use the value 0 in the calculation for missing / invalid curve values.
- Output zero if the result is invalid.
Output is Null:
- Output null (empty value) if the value of any curve is invalid.
- Output null (empty value) if the result is invalid.
Output is 0:
- Output zero if the value of any curve is invalid.
- Output zero if the result is invalid.
Value is 0:

Curves: Choose the curves to use in the calculation. Curves are selected from the same well as the process and are interpolated and/or resampled to provide values.
- Blue (+) icon: add a new row
- Symbol: the variable to use in the formula
- Curve selection: select a curve using the pop-up, or by class and name filtering
- Red (x) icon: remove the row

Time-Depth Values: Time-Depth (Z) values provide depths or times to use in the calculation. By specifying markers (or horizons), instead of specific depth values, the calculation can be applied to any well.
- Blue (+) icon: add a new row
- Symbol: the variable in the expression
- From:
- m Top of well: The shallowest position of the well
- m TD of well: The deepest position in the well
- m Depth: Enter a measured depth
- m Horizon: Select a horizon and a constant offset
- m Marker: Select a marker and a constant offset
- Convert to: convert the selection value to this domain
- Red (x) icon: remove the row

Volumes: Volume variables provide values along the well path where it intersects the volume. Volumes are interpolated to provide the value at the sample.
- Blue (+) icon: add a new row
- Symbol: the variable in the expression
- Volume: select the volume
- Red (x) icon: remove the row

Horizons: Horizon variables provide a value at the X/Y coordinate of the current sample. Horizons are interpolated to find the value at the exact X/Y coordinate.
- Blue (+) icon: add a new row
- Symbol: the variable in the expression
- Horizon: select the horizon
- Property: select the horizon property
- Extract at:
- Red (x) icon: remove the row