Editing Well Components

When configuring a well in Insight, you can view and edit the paths, T/D Pairs and markers.

Note: You must be the owner of a well component to make changes to it. Refer to Taking Ownership of Wells for more details.

  1. Go to Control Panel > Well tab.
  2. Double-click a well to open the Configure Well window.
  3. Select the Paths, T/D Pairs, Markers, or Curves tab.
  4. Under the Actions column, click View to open the view/edit table. For the Curves tab, click Edit.

Using the View/Edit Component window

The window contains:

  1. Well name
  2. Component name and type (e.g. Path)
  3. Allow Changes check box
  4. Undo and Redo buttons
  5. Object Information
    • Owner
    • Modified (date & time)
    • Values (number of rows)
    • Type specific details (e.g. MD range)
    • Notes
  6. The view/edit table for the component values.
    • Stored values are shown in blue. These are editable if “Allow Changes” is checked.
    • Calculated results using the stored values are shown in green. These update automatically when the stored values are changed, but are not directly editable.

Editing well components

Wells in the session are updated when a change is made and the row is valid. Other users will receive the changes automatically when the session is saved.

Example 1

  • Insert a new marker row
    • No update.
  • Type in the marker name
    • No update.
  • Type in the MDKB and leave the cell
    • The row is valid and the well is updated with the new marker.

Example 2

  • Click on a marker name cell
  • Change the marker name
  • Leave the cell
    • The row is valid and the well and marker are updated.

To make changes:

  1. Click the Allow Changes check box.
  2. Click a cell in the table to start editing.
    • Only values in blue can be edited.
  3. Right click on a row to open the context menu
    • Insert row (above/below): Add an empty row above or below the selected row.
    • Delete selected row: Remove the selected row.
    • Copy/paste whole table to clipboard: Save or load values from the clipboard for using elsewhere
    • Import/Export whole table to file: Import or export values to a spreadsheet-friendly text file
    • Undo/Redo: Undo or redo the most recent change

Viewing & Editing Well Paths

  1. Details
    • MD (max): Maximum measured depth
    • TVD (max): Maximum true vertical depth
    • First Location: (X/Y) The coordinates of the first point in the path
    • Last Location: (X/Y) The coordinates of the last point in the path
  2. Stored Values
    • MDKB (m): (sortable) Measured depth
    • TVDSS (m): true-vertical depth, sub-sea
    • X (m): UTM-X location
    • Y (m): UTM-Y location
  3. Calculated Values
    • Inc (deg): Inclination
    • Azi (deg): Azimuth
    • dX (m): Absolute distance (positive) in X direction from top-hole location
    • dY (m): Absolute distance (positive) in Y direction from top-hole location

Viewing & Editing Time-depth pairs

Use the Synthetics window to graphically update time-depth pairs and perform advanced operations such as resampling, synthetic ties, and calculations.

  1. Details
    • MD range: (min to max) The smallest and largest measured depth value
    • TWT range: (min to max) The smallest and largest two-way time value
  2. Stored Values
    • MDKB (m): (sortable) Measured depth
    • TWT (ms): Two-way time
  3. Calculated Values
    • TVDSS (m): true-vertical depth, sub-sea
    • Interval velocity (m/s): the velocity calculated between this pair and the next pair
    • RMS velocity (m/s): RMS velocity calculated at this row
    • X (m): UTM-X location
    • Y (m): UTM-Y location

Viewing and Editing Markers

Well markers can also be edited interactively in section and well views. See Defining Well Markers for more information on editing markers. Use the Well markers table to make changes to markers across several wells simultaneously.

  1. Details:
    • MD range: (min to max) The smallest and largest measured depth value
    • Shallowest: (marker name @ MD) The name and measured depth of the shallowest marker
    • Deepest: (marker name @ MD) The name and measured depth of the deepest marker
  2. Stored Values:
    • Name: (sortable) The marker name
    • MDKB (m): Measured depth
  3. Calculated Values:
    • TVDSS (m): (sortable) true-vertical depth, sub-sea
    • TWT (ms): (sortable) Two-way time
    • X (m): (sortable) UTM-X location
    • Y (m): (sortable) UTM-Y location

Viewing and Editing Curves

  1. Details:
    • MD range: (min to max) The smallest and largest measured depth value
    • Curve range: The smallest and largest curve value, depending on the curve type chosen.
  2. Stored Values: Depending on the curve type, values such as MKDB, Depth, and TVDSS are displayed.